
Agreed - I hesitated about the quote, because there’s certainly baggage there to put it mildly, but on that particular one, it’s a very apt and true saying (or so I feel).

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

Can we maybe apply #WakandaRules to _all_ the Fox News “personalities”?

You’d need a ridiculous amount of gold in order to make it near worthless. Remember, bringing an asteroid back to earth isn’t exactly cheap, let alone free. There is a cost to mining these, which will set a floor, if nothing else.

They’ll probably just claim he was really a Democrat all along.

It’s more than that for me. Consider Google, who while in many ways in the same business as Facebook, also doesn’t have the same track record. Google at least seems to balance things, whereas Facebook repeatedly comes off as a vampire squid relentlessly trying to jam its information-sucking tentacles into any orifice

Not a bonkers interior, but this seems as good a place as any to share the picture of a beautiful Silver Shadow II I stumbled across in a random suburban shopping center a week or so ago. Looked to be in pristine condition:

Those are great names... for Navy Ships:

Absolutely correct. The form it takes is different, and sometimes more subtle (or better to say, not quite so blatant), but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, even in otherwise liberal states like California or Massachussetts.

Oh, monarchy, eh? And how’d you get that? By exploiting the workers. Hanging on to out dated imperialist signs which perpetuates the economic and social differences in a society. Listen, Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power drives from a

Hey, now, what about that kiss at the end of Dark World? That was pretty... what’s that? That wasn’t actually Portman, but Hemsworth’s IRL wife standing in for her?

The short answer is, it’s the specific versus the general. The specific is a much more direct thing, and much more likely to move people to action - say, a sick child who needs money to pay for an operation, compared to funding children’s healthcare in general. The latter is far more abstract to many people, while the

I’m not sure if it’s the distractions so much as that it’s harder to get away from things.

Where’s Bugs Bunny when we need him:

He’s an amazingly gifted filmmaker. Here’s looking forward to this film, as well as the films he has yet to make.

I’ve used my Pixel, caseless, for... close to 6-8 months now? It shows zero damage. The screen is a little smudgy from some recent use, but I can clean that up easily enough. If I look -really- closely, I can see one or two minor scratches or nicks, but nothing that a casual inspection would spot.

For what it was, I enjoyed it. I do agree with you, there was a lot that I wanted in it that they didn’t put in. Jake is more interesting when Eddie is around to interact with him, definitely. I strongly suspect that it was a classic case of Hollywood thinking, i.e. “we’ll use those in the sequels,” only for the movie