
That’s just it. It’s not an adaptation. It’s a continuance/sequel.

I’ve found that most people at conventions/etc are really nice, mostly because a lot of them are cosplayers too (or just know the kind of effort that goes into it). The awful ones are the random jerks on the internet sitting behind a screen of anonymity.

I do think there’s a point where you get into supercar territory that it becomes an acceptable sacrifice, but I wouldn’t do it for this.

The answer was that Republicans, when faced with the choice of moderating their policies or doubling down on racism, went full racist.

It never ceases to boggle my mind at how some people thought Trump (even via a protest vote) would be better than Clinton.

That’s because none of those options let them “put those dirty sluts back in their place.” It has nothing to do with babies*, and everything to do with social control of women, forcing them into old roles as housewives/homemakers first and foremost.

Navy Federal. Credit Unions are awesome. :)

Yes - I’ve already kept the car beyond the length of the loan, and intend to for a bit longer. I’m keeping the mileage low now that I don’t have a ridiculous commute anymore, too.

I used my credit union, not the dealership.

Yes, this. I took out a loan for my last new car, at 1.49%, and it was a great decision. I’d originally intended to just pay cash, but as it turned out the cost of that loan was ridiculously low. Moreover, I’m glad I took it, because I wound up needing the cash for unexpected expenses. You could suggest I was dumb to

The Japanese ones like those pictured there are so much better than the ones usually sold in the States.

Yep. Playing a female character in an MMO, I got the same thing. Creepy comments, random tells, minor harassment varying from the “you suck because you’re a girl” variety to the more objectifying sort, etc. And I’m sure that’s only a fraction of what actual women playing those games have to deal with.

All these corny puns are driving me crazy.

The way to understand it is to keep in mind that American immigration policy has been shot through with racism from its very inception. The only thing that’s changed any is who it’s racist against - not that there’s been much change in that.

Like it or not, there’s no feasible way to change the two party system. Doing so would require a massive reworking of the Constitution, and going down -that- road is extremely dangerous. If you don’t believe me, look how many right wing nutjobs are busy pushing for a Constitutional Convention to do just that (and are

I would argue that Nathan Bedford Forrest was worse, but it’s the sort of competition where you have to be utterly terrible to even enter in the first place, so...

I wonder how much of it has to do with people being attracted to join because they’re racist a**holes in the first place, definitely - the whole bit about the notion of it being attractive to people of an anti-immigrant mindset to begin with . I do also wonder, though, how many weren’t to begin with, but take on a

2014 is also the sweet spot, with the slight boost to 420hp stock, which is the perfect number of horsepower. :)

The fact that everyone is so used to the Dems caving on pretty much everything that it becomes the default assumption, and everyone immediately looks for that. They didn’t get everything they wanted - but they won a big concession for a short term extension. And no, I don’t expect we’ll actually get the vote, but look

The f*cking “Lost Cause” propaganda machine in action, talking about how ‘gallant’ or ‘noble’ those hateful traitors were. They weren’t ‘defending their homes/states’, they were defending the ability of their states to OWN AND ABUSE OTHER HUMANS. They had a choice, too, and they chose wrong, hands down.