
Heavens forbid we get an actual reckoning of the true brutality of the things those people did. The fact is that this very downplaying/ignoring the horrors of what Jackson and his ilk did actively contributes to the fact that racism and bigotry are still so pervasive a century and a half later. It is simply not

Darth Kristen?

They won’t, for all the good it does. They’ll get paid once the shutdown ends, along with the military and the rest.

Nope, sorry. I’d even root for the f***ing Cowboys before I root for the Pats at this point. I’d have to violently purge my stomach afterwards, but...

You’re right, they keep getting bogged down in the “game mechanics” in jokes/references, and seem to forget that the movie’s supposed to tell a story, not be a transparent overlay on a game.

The Mummy was part of that too though, and that... not so much.

The catch being that the Republicans still have a slim majority (51-49) in the Assembly, and a few seats in the Senate.

It’s the 80s, so... drugs?

“Do you wanna go to war, B’la-ke?”

“I don’t want no Fop. I’m a Dapper Dan man.”

Yes - run in the democratic primary. But if and when you lose, too, get out of the way and don’t go sour grapes, either openly or by dragging your feet about supporting the party nominee.

Yes. F*ck that guy for being an obnoxious talentless jerk. To Japan - the vast majority of us think he’s absolutely awful too, and I apologise profusely. Please prosecute the crap out of him and deport him.

This, yes.

It’s not AE-bad. It definitely didn’t live up to the potential that such a world/setting might have, but given that it’s on Netflix, it’s decent enough as a random two-hours to kill - just don’t go in with any crazy expectations.

The world itself had me more interested, generally, than the story that they told within it. The world-building elements seemed to me to be a bit more interesting generally, and there were a lot of little touches in it that indicated to me that someone had put a lot of thought into it (that I wish they’d have added to

The other ideal day for repeating via this sort of ‘time travel’ is February 2nd.

The chips have started showing up, finally. Unfortunately, it’s chip and sign, not chip and pin, and worse, lots of fast food places don’t use them (wanting you to swipe the magstripe) because it’s faster.

Interestingly, the 2014 Mustang GT has 420 hp standard, though it’s the only one (2013 has slightly less, the 2015+ have slightly more).

Even on modern vessels, the helm of a ship is usually one person, who controls steering and the throttle. The rest of the crew is usually performing other functions - weapons, communications, making sure that power is being distributed properly, that engines/reactors/whatever aren’t overheating. All of these things

There are still non-US carriers flying them, and you had to be flying overseas to get on one of these anyway. So go while there’s still time!