
Or, you know, have the wrong skin color.

Pretty sure that the number of Joe Walsh fans who are also assholes is approaching 100%, if not dead on it.

I’m pretty sure the people that are still playing it would be grateful to get a version that works with modern OS’s and graphics drivers without all kinds of hackery.

NWN2 was good, but Obsidian really dropped the ball in that they missed what made NWN1 popular. NWN’s single player campaign was hot garbage compared to stuff like the Baldur’s Gate series, but it was in the multiplayer area that the game really shined. People started building modules and then even MMO style servers,

The babe with the power.

He wouldn’t be interested in a functional one, though. :)

Better to have it in the hands of Jalopnik than that guy.

It’s a case of California-isms being taken as universal for the country thanks to Hollywood/TV/etc, because in California it’s the DMV. It’s that way in my state as well, but in many others it’s not.

One thought that also occurs to me, is that relationships are powerful tools for success. It’s the old saw “it’s who you know”, and it’s really true. I’ve gotten jobs in the past that I wouldn’t even have known about simply because I knew the right person. These sorts of professional networks all too often exclude or

Keep in mind that gerrymandering doesn’t prevent waves, it’s meant to limit the impact. Democrats won far more than 50% of the vote, but because of the gerrymandered districts they may not even win 50% of the seats (I mean, c’mon recounts, but.. *crosses fingers*).

Just like Black Desert, I’ll get it and spend more time in the character creator than I ever do in the actual game.

I was almost crying after listening to some of those video testimonials from the people voting, some for the first time even, after having their rights restored. It was just amazingly moving. Terry McAuliffe vastly exceeded my expectations of him, even if just for the voting rights restoration alone - and for pushing

Huffington Post did a bit where they talked to felons in Virginia who were voting for the first time after having their rights restored. They had video clips, and it was just so powerful. Some of them had never even voted before, and it was so incredibly moving. I never thought I’d say it but just on those

Roem could spend her entire term doing nothing but playing video games, and still be 100 times better than Marshall.

Beat me to it. :)

We’ve already heard about the five types of Becky... now I wonder if they evolve, like Pokemon. :)

I imagine that some of the problem, too, is that the Japanese model is about long-term profit, rather than focusing on short term gain the way the US model is. In the US, the dealer cares only about that immediate sale and squeezing as much as they can from it, provoking a similar response from the consumer. In Japan

“Ran when parked.”

It’s definitely one of the harder things to understand for men. I had a hard time really getting that aspect of it as well on a fundamental level at first, because the whole thing just seemed so alien. I just couldn’t comprehend being able to look at someone in such a horrible way (credit to my mother for raising me

I’d imagine the fact that a lot of black people have heard that story of improving things for everyone without taking race into consideration, which has historically led to black people getting the short end of the deal, might also factor in a bit.