
It’s also utterly sad that so many people don’t realize that supposedly ‘race neutral’ policies have a long, long history in the US, and that they wind up disproportionately favoring whites, or worse, exclude POC entirely (I recommend Ta-Nehisi Coates’s articles on this stuff in the Atlantic for some really great

Yeah, Domino’s current pizza is really good, much better than it used to be. I think a lot of people remember how bad it once was, and haven’t tried it since. I had some recently at a work function (since “effectively free” is a very important factor, always), and it was much much better than it once was.

Export it, but yes. It’s utterly disgusting, and it sadly often goes completely unnoticed by most people in the USA.

Ironically, a big part of the TPP was getting Japan to open up restrictions on US agricultural imports and other products.

Space built cars and reentry delivery would be so awesome.

Somehow I feel that President Camacho would do a better job even still.

The charitable response that comes to mind is that he’s an old man that’s growing senile that still thinks the world is the way it was 30-40 years ago.

Or the Oil Companies, for that matter.

Instead of a Drag Strip Mode, maybe what they should add is a “Safe Parking Lot Exit Mode”. :)

That one was in Korea. Best part? The guy was in Intel, and the stripper was Russian or Ukrainian (I forget which), which meant he spent the rest of his tour working in the mailroom. So technically not on the first overnight pass, but just a classic case where despite it being so grossly obvious, and everyone warning

“don’t marry a stripper with 7 kids on your first overnight off-post liberty/pass since boot camp”

Yep. Big Damn Heroes (tm) come in all shapes, sizes, and styles.

I for one would really love for someone to call “Cut!” on this sh*tshow Reality TV program of a Presidency, but that’s me.

The problem with that is that you then have to retrieve the materials from Australia, where everything is trying to kill you. :)

It makes sense. After all, Columbus and all the “explorers”/etc that followed after him weren’t really interested in exploring so much as making money, looking for things like spices, gold/silver, porcelain, etc.

Kristen’s War review:

Judging by the time it takes him, neither does George R.R. Martin, so... :)

The short version there is having the arrogance of having so much money that you think it insulates you from the bad stuff those politicians you support are doing to people like you, combined with not giving a sh*t about said others like yourself.

I almost feel like spending a year abroad in a non-English speaking country should be mandatory in schools in the U.S., if only just to give people a better understanding of so, so many things.

Some of the Republicans responded by trying to reach out and include Hispanic voters. The Bushes for instance made a big focus on it. On the other hand, that wing of the party has increasingly lost out to the incoherent white nationalistic rage wing.