
“Megan (yes that’s her name, because—isn’t it always?)“

We also need to get our a**es out and vote. Virginia votes next week on this race - if you live here, go vote, and if not, remind any of your friends and family who do!

It’s the expansion bit that was key. Slavery as an economic institution relied on an ever-expanding demand for slaves, in order to keep the price of human bondage from collapsing. The values of slaves was not just in the work that they performed, but in their value as capital, especially to slaveholders like Lee in

Well being called a racist is the worst thing there is, even worse than actual racism. /s

Exactly! Go look at every right that has been affirmed only because of court action, even just since about 1950 or so. Courts make a HUGE difference. It’s why we get Brown v. Board of Education rather than Dred Scott. Look at the case of the undocumented teenager seeking an abortion from a week or so ago - it was

Yeah, not using a Mustang was what was really missing here. Why wreck/mock-wreck a Supra, when there’s surely a Mustang that would fit better? And more importantly, that would be one less Mustang on the streets to endanger other pedestrians.

This is also a good instance to point out the importance of the judiciary. The right wing has made politicizing the judiciary one of their core goals. We need to be able to put in reasonable judges, and there’s basically zero chance to get those from Republicans now. This makes it all the more important that no matter

I don’t disagree that Pence would be all in on that. At the same time, I feel like Trump is more than willing to push ahead on all that too, because he doesn’t care about anyone else, and is perfectly willing to go along with whatever hateful things that Pence/Sessions/etc want.

Now I feel young, again. Or at least not so old anymore. Thanks, I needed that.

You have the wrong Podesta there, bub. I know that it can be hard to keep track of pesky facts when you’re busy trying to twist yourself into pretzel knots defending and deflecting, but just maybe you should try it sometime.

Manafort wasn’t working for either back then. This is likely stuff that was discovered when Mueller/etc started looking at Manafort’s foreign transactions, because even though this isn’t what he was looking for, if he uncovers other criminality in the course of the investigation, he’s not just supposed to ignore it.

The only one that might come close is Nixon, yes. And as a historical note, when Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment, he still had something like a 20% approval rate. That’s roughly 1 in 5 Americans, so it’s really not that surprising that there will be people who will defend Trump and his cronies no matter what

This has my vote for a future topic as well.

The more important thing was that the argument there was one of degree, not of concept. Both agreed that raising the minimum wage was needed, but they disagreed over how far we could raise it. The argument for $12 would be that it’s easier to accomplish, and helps people in the meantime while we continue to push for

This was my reaction as well. They’re a matching set of abomination.

Okay, but how much extra will the cost of your batsuit, utility belt, and having a cave installed beneath the manor to go with this car be?

Bush probably meant well. He’s a good example of that old saw about the pavement on the road to hell. His failings were more in that he was far too willing to trust and empower the wrong people, out of political or personal allegiance, out of naivete, or simply out of crass political expedience. I think more than

Sh*tty Media Ken is such an apt nickname for a smug d-bag like Halperin.

And here I always thought ‘pursuing a relationship’ was done by things like offering invitations to social events like dinner, or perhaps sending messages via things like OkCupid/Match/Tinder/etc. I must have been doing it wrong all along. (/s)

I always apologize or say ‘excuse/pardon me’ if I bump into or have to brush past someone in a confined space, regardless of whether they’re male or female, because it’s just basic politeness. I guess I must be somehow ‘weird’ for thinking that way as male. Maybe I was just raised well and didn’t have bad role models