
Agreed - even the thought of just pressing against someone unwanted like that in general just makes me recoil. I just can’t even comprehend. I mean seriously what the f*ck. What sort of perverted sh*tpiece do you have to be to think that’s somehow or other something to do, and ugh, why the f*ck are there so many of

“ the Castle ....Arrrrrrgh.”

It was the 80s, so, I blame the drugs.

It doesn’t have to be - but when a movie also fails to be remotely entertaining, there’s not a lot of room for suspension of disbelief.

Will there be VR support, and if so, which platform(s)?

Oh, it absolutely is. It’s a natural reaction to wonder what we did wrong, how we could have avoided something, to question or blame ourselves. In a way it can be more frightening to acknowledge that we had a lack of agency in a situation, as compared to telling ourselves that if we’d just done xyz then it wouldn’t

The key thing to remember is that there is no amount of situational awareness, caution, conservative attire, etc, that will make you immune. It may be prudent behavior, but it will NOT make you completely safe, and if you get assaulted, that is because of your attacker, not because of you.

This is the kind of stuff that white people need to see, or really, have their noses rubbed in. This sh*t isn’t in some backwoods ignorant place they can make excuses for. This is prime expensive suburbs outside Richmond. I can’t (and won’t) make excuses for it because this is absolutely inexcusable. Children learn

I agree, but I’m not sure what else to say about it, when I can’t even have a conversation with some people because they don’t even agree on basic facts, and instead are flat out convinced of things ranging from half-truths to outright lies.

It’s Republican-world, where up is down, facts are lies, war is peace, and slavery is freedom, pretty much.

The best thing about it was that the theme of the costume party was “bad taste”, so it was perfectly apropos.

It’s deliberate, because the proponents of the law want to sell it as being a good thing. After all, who would be against someone being able to work, right? Except that’s not really what the laws do - it’s more “Right to not join a union,” or “Right to enjoy union benefits without paying in” if you want to be less

I’d be interested to hear some comparisons of this too. Pathfinder seemed to run a lot of similar ‘cultural analogues’ akin to what Forgotten Realms did, but I got the impression that PF paid a lot more attention to its non-eurocentric cultures, comparatively, than FR originally did. That said, I hardly did an

I suspect it’s a lot of the older ones who are much more hardened and set in their ways. As someone who was always pro-military, I used to have some definite pro-Republican leanings up until about 2003/2004, after which I finally wised up. The ones who were much more steeped in it from the Vietnam era on, though?

I’m not ‘okay’ with it, but I’m a lot less unhappy to see the a**holes trying to have it both ways (supporting the anti-immigration wingnuts while at the same time profiting from paying undocumented workers under the table) get punished. Unfortunately the stuff they’re talking about doing will still fall

Too many of them still don’t get that “Republicans” doesn’t mean “nice business friendly types” these days, it means racist nutbag enabling science-denying bible-banging fanatics. Even if the front guy puts a nice friendly presentable face to it, that’s whose really getting enabled and being given access to the levers

Yes, seriously. More female/minority candidates is great, but a general election is NOT the time for any of us to get obsessive over purity. The amount of damage that someone like Gillespie and his cronies will do to women and people of color is extremely significant. Northam may not be a perfect candidate, but he’s

Yes - anyone here that lives in Virginia, get your a** out and vote in 3 weeks. Make sure you do whatever you can to get out votes of friends, family, etc for the Sane candidates, too. I can’t stress it enough, because Virginia is too close, and this is too critical.

Anyone else I might argue for giving the benefit of the doubt, but this family pretty much lies as often as most people breathe.

Bonus points if it’s done by Ryan Reynolds in a random appearance.