
Interesting that Mustangs cut off at 2012. Any reason for that out of curiosity?

Speaking as a white person, I would estimate that most do not. I know what they are thanks to some of my fellow soldiers when I was in the Army who would smoke them on occasion. That’s one thing about the military - it throws together all sorts of people who might not otherwise interact from across all strata of

It’s not even the snow or the ice here that’s the danger.

Agreed - it’s definitely a good use of the VR system. I’ve had mine for about a year now, and I’d say I’ve used it as much in the past week as I have the entire time before that, almost. I don’t know that I’d go so far as to say it’s a “killer app,” but it’s definitely a huge step up in the experience.

I’ve been playing Project Cars2 for a week with both a wheel/pedal setup, and Vive - it’s an amazing difference. There’s just something crazy awesome about being able to look around the interior of the car, or out the windows into the mirror, or over your back out the rear window. With the hands of my virtual

Toss in proper wheel support and VR, too. It’s a long list.

EA forcing you to use their proprietary store/architecture/etc was a real turn-off to their games on PC for me. I’ve heard it’s become less sh*tty, but that initial experience really soured me on it.

Yep, I’m pretty happy with it. My only quibble if any with PC2 is that I’d love to see more “street” tracks/courses like California Highway 1. Maybe a Wangan-style city expressway track, a nice twisty mountain road track, and a few other scenery-chewing ones. It’s a pretty minor bit though, and something that could

Windows store is a big turn-off for me, based on my experiences with it thus far. Glad to hear about the wheel problems, I can safely skip FM7 and stick with Project Cars2 (which I’m enjoying), which also has smooth VR support. (I haven’t heard anything about FM7 and VR compatibility, which certainly isn’t reassuring)

I think a lot of the problem with GitS had more to do with Hollywood having a real problem with casting white actors into non-white roles. I did like the movie, but I felt it suffered badly for being somewhat tone-deaf on that note. I also felt that there was a huge missed opportunity for commentary on the entire

Exactly - why would you want to be in a marriage to some a**hole who only married you for that?

I’d love to see the travel time from London to JFK cut to 30 minutes, so I could then spend 4 times that in traffic trying to get from JFK to Manhattan. :)

Clearly being called a racist is the worst thing in the world, even worse than actual racism, because what’s most important are the fee-fees of closet racists. /s

“Dances with Smurfs” was the one that stuck with me.

Yep, money is the problem. That and finding a plot of land still available in an area that’s reasonably convenient for your work commute, which is becoming next to impossible as it seems like everything has already been snapped up within a two hour drive of anywhere that isn’t the middle of nowhere.

I’m a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-separation of Church and State (and many other things) Republican. There’s a word for that in today’s political spectrum:

Yes - pretty much every new housing development gets an HoA made for it by the builders, from what I’ve seen. About the only thing you can do if you want a remotely new home in most places is to have it built to order on land you’ve already purchased, which isn’t exactly cheap.

That’s too bad to hear. Half the fun I’m having in Project Cars2 (which came out this past weekend) has been combining the wheel/pedal controls with the VR headset to the point that I could almost believe I was really there, save for the lack of g-forces/acceleration.

At the very least, it seems like it would make sense to change the law to exempt Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Possibly Alaska too.

Exactly. The goal is never what they claim it is - it’s all about preventing and discouraging specific Democratic-leaning groups from voting. It’s about making voting harder, because poor people are far less able to take the time and make the effort to jump through the extra hoops, whether to get that ID, or to wait