
It’s slightly less than full brother/sister, though still a lot.

Not dead. We see Tormund and Berric make it onto the section of the wall just beyond the collapsed point, while a bunch of nameless redshirts fall to their deaths.

Brienne doesn’t get that Tormund actually thinks she’s attractive. She’s spent her entire life in a culture full of people telling her she’s horribly ugly/not pretty/undesirable/etc, and where the only people showing any interest at all were almost certainly faking it in order to play cruel jokes on her. So she’s

Definitely both alive. We see them make it onto the one part of the wall that doesn’t come down, while a bunch of redshirts tumble to their deaths, and the dragon goes on to nuke the rest of the wall out towards the ocean.

Oh, you could believe the show’s writers might do it, since it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve come up with some ridiculous contrivance to have one character murder another. But yes, I agree that it would be just that - a contrivance, rather than anything the show has logically built towards.

The key thing I think in the scene is Bran’s presence. You know Bran would never be down for helping Sansa take on Arya, so he’s clearly there for other reasons. He’d also be the one who could confirm the truth about Littlefinger’s lies, so it fits.

Agreed - the show isn’t going to just kill both of them off without making it clear. It did seem to me that they were well clear of the collapsing sections when it stopped, while a bunch of the red-shirts died.

It isn’t a union shop, so I don’t imagine there would be anything diverted from the dealer’s side to a union. Anything he’s paying the union will be out of his own pay - Unless there’s something else going on that isn’t mentioned at least.

You should clearly take issue with whomever educated you, because you’re failing at math and reading comprehension here. Let me direct you to the key quote from the article so you can try again:

As the article alludes to, the ridiculous hourly rate isn’t going to the mechanics. The dealership is pocketing the majority of it, and when they raise the rate from $95 to that $125, only ~$3 is going to the mechanic. The other 90% is going to the dealer’s profit.

The more the better. If it’s just the same actress, then the message is “Gal Godot (or whomever) can kick butt”, rather than “all of these women kick butt”. It’s not a slight on her, but it wasn’t solely because of her that she kicked ass in WW, a lot of it also had to do with a (female) director and others making it

Bond the character has to be British. I think there’s some leeway in who can conceivably play such a character, and I don’t think gender or race play in at all. Idris Elba, for instance, would do just fine. I do tend to think Charlize Theron might be able to pull it off, because we’ve seen her play a British character


Yep. Base model is still $109k, which is more expensive than it was when it debuted, but still nowhere near as much as most supercars.

It’s ironic that 30 years later, the most unrealistic thing about Robocop is that some corporation would want to take over Detroit.

Well sure, an African Raven could do it. But African Ravens are non-migratory...

“You are fools to come to this place! The icy winds of Northrend will consume your souls!”

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey would do a lot to explain some of the extreme jumps in the show’s timeline of late.

At a certain level of higher performance, paddle shifters seem to be increasingly the norm. While they’re better than a pure automatic, eh... that’s not saying much.

I’d take a philandering Kennedy or Bill Clinton over a faithful Mike Pence type any day.