
This was me watching the episode:

That should be the Atlanta to Savannah highway. Or perhaps one that’s bulldozed straight through South Carolina.

Of course you shouldn’t do this at home... It needs to be done by professionals on a commercial scale. “All natural organic goldfish liquor” - venture capitalists, feel free to hit me up. ;)

I think it’s less the size of the age gap as when it is. 42-32 isn’t nearly as bad for instance, or 52-42. In my mind at least it’s partly that someone who is still college age, while they’re legal adults, just aren’t quite yet in that adult/professional stage of life where it isn’t off for them to be dating someone

GT-R for 109k is a lot more reasonable than what the NSX goes for, too. In fairness though, the NSX still isn’t as bad as some of the Italians.

Regardless of if it is or not, he certainly gives off some seriously creepy vibes. (My view is that 32-22 is too big a gap, for that matter)

Or the Soviet Union for training, helping install, and arming Grandpa Kim in the first place.

Yes, which is also entirely common in European history. Consider the case of Charles II of Spain, who was so inbred he was physically and mentally stunted. His jaw was so deformed he was unable to chew.

Now playing

I’m surprised more people don’t know now - it’s the same way it’s pronounced in Deadpool:

Yeah, his hand is clearly south of her waistline, or even where you’d expect the waistline of anyone that isn’t 4' tall to be. No excuse whatsoever for that sh*t, it’s deliberate.

I’d think the opposite is true of the actual ‘typical’ victim, if anything. At least, everything I’ve heard or read indicates that stunned disbelief is the initial reaction for most people. The idea that victims immediately make a scene strikes me more as projection by people (especially men) who’ve never been in that

Because clearly what we need, in the age of ubiquitous online shopping and free delivery (mostly), is more physical malls.

I’m sure it could be fun at 300ish, but when you could get a car with that or more, for half the cost, don’t you think it becomes a much harder sell?

I don’t disagree. It’s a reasonable competitor within its market segment, though if they had a top level trim with more power, it would stand out a lot more.

Hey, I want to like this car. I want to think it will be great, and that they’ve thought of all this. I also know it would not be the first boneheaded decision made regarding a new model, or even just a clear headed trade of where they think it will be good enough when really it isn’t, when it’s all considered.

I meant more that even by giving an insincere apology he’d be ahead of Trump staff. It’s really a testament to how low they are, more than anything else.

Nah, he at least appeared to have enough sense to realize he should be ashamed after all that crap he spewed, and “a sense of shame” (or any sense really) is an immediate disqualifier for Trump’s staff.

Agreed - and the interior on those Camaros isn’t exactly cheap either. I’d have a lot of trouble justifying paying 2x as much for the same performance, because a nicer interior (and maybe a few extra luxury level bells and whistles) only goes so far.