
Yep, exactly. While this isn’t technically the same muscle/pony car type, it’s harder to make the case for selling this at the price point I’d expect they’re looking at if it comes in at closer to 335hp/3500lbs rather than 400+hp/3000lbs.

Right, but that’s the v6 Camaro. We don’t know the pricing yet, but if it winds up costing BMW-levels of money, that’s not exactly a great comparison to say your car performs just as well as something that costs half as much.

Part of the concern with that is the unknown weight and cost. 335hp would be amazing in something like a GT86 even if it cost a little more. If this new car comes in at north of 3200 pounds, or worse, in the 3500 pound range, then it’s got significantly less power than competitors - competitors who are also probably

I would hope so - but then if they paid attention to complaints about the GT86 being underpowered, they might also have come out with a boosted GT86 trim, and they haven’t. I worry the converse is true, that they’ll give us an underpowered Supra too.

And at that point, you’re well behind Camaros and Mustangs, which likely cost far less for far more performance at similar weight.

Even at the current prices, the GT-R is still far more accessible than its fellow supercars. I can make the case for a GT-R by just saying that it has the performance of supercar, but at half to a quarter of the price of its competitors. Personally, I find that a much more reasonable solution than what happened with

I could maybe live with paddle shifters and no manual, but 335 just isn’t enough for what the competition is putting out, and for what this car will likely cost. I’m not talking about cars like the NSX or GT-R, but look the numbers that rear wheel drive coupes from Chevy or Ford are putting out. Now, power to weight

Pricing: “More than you can afford, pal.”

I not only need to get it, I need to Cosplay it.

The “Intolerant Left” didn’t fire him, corporate HR did. Corporate HR is anything but ideological, and exists solely to defend corporate interests and minimize disruptions. If you want to go filing complaints about how Corporate does stuff, especially on hot-button issues like hiring, you should expect to be very

Don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here rewatching Dr. Strangelove to get ready.

That’s just until she develops her powers, and joins Professor Three-Eye Raven, Arya Mystique, and Jon Snowverine, as the Ex-Starks.

She probably had about the same amount of time it took to march the Lannister army from Highgarden to near King’s Landing. For instance, consider the map below - Dragonstone is much closer to King’s Landing than Highgarden by quite a bit:

A team whose members all have the same experiences, viewpoints, and backgrounds will all tend to react and see things the same way, and that can be a fatal flaw when it results in being completely blind to a problem.

That is so perfect.

Most companies don’t do anything other than confirm dates of employment, because doing otherwise opens them to more legal liability than it’s worth - or at least that’s been my experience. It’s sometimes unfortunate, even if it helps people out who weren’t fired for anything but a personal vendetta or whatever.

This is honestly one of my concerns with buying a Tesla. There’s a supercharger 5 minutes from me, but the nearest service center is 2-3 hours drive away, so if anything does goes wrong... Yeah.

Oh, feel free. I can hardly cite my military service/experience as authoritative. My take is more that, in terms of the enemy’s most dangerous course of action, being taken by surprise en masse by a new weapon is far worse than a hasty/improvised use of a single one, even if that winds up being harmful. Given what we

If her dragons were dead, I might agree, but they’re not. One of the three is injured, yes, and that’s not good, but as a commander, I’d much rather find myself in her position than get surprised by a larger number of the enemy’s air defense weaponry. I think the Lannister use of the ballista there was a high risk