
While those houses might be “upper middle class” size anywhere in the rest of the world, this is San Francisco, where you need to be a multi-millionaire to have a house that size, as others pointed out.

They can be - but they’re area weapons, not accuracy/aimed ones. One guy throwing a spear isn’t going to hit a specific target. If however you have a bunch of spears being thrown at a large massed group of targets, your odds of hitting someone improve significantly, and that’s how they were used in warfare - Throw

Poison still has to be applied and reasonably fresh to be of any effectiveness. It’s not something you can coat and then leave for days/weeks/months, it’s more of a “right before use” sort of thing, and they clearly didn’t have time to do so there.

I think you’re remembering the comments related to the reforging of Ned Stark’s sword by the Lannisters. There was a big point made about how rare Valyrian steel blades were, and how only some of the houses had one. I doubt there was a spare one lying around for Jon to have reforged for Arya.

Not poison. Poison (Chemicals/Drugs/etc) isn’t something you can just put on a weapon and have it be ready for use whenever, it needs to be stored and applied reasonably fresh beforehand. Otherwise, it rapidly loses effectiveness.

That was one thing that occurred to me watching the scene. There you have giant honking siege weapon on a raised wagon, and none of the Dothraki saw it and went “gee maybe I should take out the guy trying to fire it”. :)

No worries - I just couldn’t pass on a dig at the way PoTG used to always give it to either Bastion or Torbjorn, 90% of the time. :)

Or even just having her wear armor to begin with. I’d also recommend she do two things, one being to consider her attack patterns when dealing with them (don’t fly in a straight line right at the turret, it makes you a much easier target to hit rather than if it’s trying to traverse as you fly perpendicular to its

Wouldn’t be necessary, grain is highly flammable, even explosive. See grain silo explosions, for instance:

The existence of anti-aircraft artillery in the modern age doesn’t negate the power of air support, it just means you can’t use it with complete impunity. You have to adjust your tactics to take them out, avoid them, etc. The Lannisters have lost the element of surprise of those weapons, and now Dany/etc should be

Sure, give the PoTG to the turret, and just ignore that 20+ kill. Seems legit. ;)

Clearly there was only one winner in all of this - Hijikata.

Sounds about right. Spectre certainly wasn’t bad, even if it could have been better. It’s still a solid Bond movie.

I felt it worked. Yes, there were things from the later books, but they kept it nice and pared down, even as there were references galore - references that those who hadn’t read the books wouldn’t even notice. More stuff, more characters, might have bogged it down too much.

Saw it today. Read all the books - it’s really much better than most of the reviews give it credit for. Just keep in mind that this is another/different turn of the wheel, not a retelling of the books. Hint - look for something Roland is carrying.

That’s what really gets me about all these movie reviews bitching that it isn’t retelling the book. Um, hey, did anyone notice what Roland is carrying? Hell, they’ve even said that he’s got the horn in this one. That should be a HUGE clue that so many have just ignored.

With PETA, horrible is really the rule, not the exception. It definitely gives a knee jerk reaction, partly just because the one semi reasonable thing doesn’t cancel the other stuff:

It’s not as if many pro-lifers don’t suddenly change their mind when it comes into conflict with their personal interests. Not that they change their minds about forcing that on other people, mind you, they just give themselves a pass. Trump and Scaramucci especially seem to exemplify that sort of “rules are for other

It’s going to be (yet another) spectacular train wreck when Kelly comes in and starts thinking he can run it like a military outfit. Really, if it wasn’t for the fact that these a**clowns are running our government (into the ground), it would be some hilarious and amazing spectacle. As it is, I’m not sure whether to

After reading this article I want to see a weight lifting instructional video by Zarya. Blizzard, make it happen!