
I was in during DADT. We usually knew who was LGBT, and none of us cared about that. We cared if someone could do their job or not, that was it.

I (and other soldiers) used the same shower trailer as our gay squadmembers and contractor. None of us cared, except for the (openly gay) contractor, who confessed to feeling a little weird about it. It was never a problem though in the slightest.

Everyone knows intolerance is only bad when it’s done by scary* brown people. /s

Other reports have noted that most of the Pentagon was taken unawares, to the point that when they saw the first tweet, they were afraid he was about to announce an attack on North Korea due to the wording. If he consulted with any Generals, it wasn’t very many of them, and certainly not the actual bureaucracy of the

It’s not true.

He is so, so skeezy looking. That picture was so telling on so many levels. It’s even more so when you see the full/original picture, and note that there was a group of people to the left of the woman, and he was creeping in from the side.

That’s only for becoming president. If the VP position is empty, the President gets to nominate one, as happened with Gerald Ford becoming VP after Spiro Agnew resigned.

That was Gingrich, not Giuliani.

Toyota is more of a Gundam brand:

I want Sansa to be the one that kills Littlefinger, or at minimum, has him killed.

I still have trouble buying him putting together 1000 high-quality ships in such a short time. Shipbuilding isn’t exactly quick, cheap, or easy. It takes lots of time, even months, and that’s aside from the fact that you only have so many skilled shipwrights, even in a seagoing/viking type culture. If they could’ve

Yep. The reference was to Arya’s line in Season 1 talking about the noblewoman’s normal role - “that’s not me.” Nymeria can’t go back to being a pet and companion after having lived in the wild. It’s not her, anymore than Arya being a traditional noble wife would be Arya.

What I wonder is how they think they can hit with those. It’s one thing to hit a dragon at close range with a spear (and not do any significant damage), it’s another to hit a moving target flying in midair. What’s the traverse speed on those? At best you’d have to put enough of them in place to maybe throw enough

It’s really such a pity they won’t have anyone to look up to, because they certainly couldn’t look up to the Doctor incarnation one through twelve, or the War Doctor. No, clearly none of those exist anymore since the new one’s a woman. /s

That feeling of exhilaration and relief after you go through with it is so, so true. It’s absolute proof you made the right decision, which tends to make the feeling even stronger when you realize it.

I hear that - my mother’s family is from the South, and almost entirely Republican. She herself was the one liberal anomaly, for which I am eternally thankful, as myself and my sisters all share the same amount of horror at everything that Trump and his enablers are perpetrating now. It makes family events tolerable,

Yes, but on the downside, the GlaDOS voice assisted app would constantly subject you to testing, occasionally try to murder you, and belittle you about your weight, personality, and lack of parents.

Calling them Unit 01, Unit 02, etc didn’t seem to hurt Evangelion at least.

“It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.”

“But I wanted to go to Tosche Station to get some power converters!”