
Correct. Oil is pretty much only used for power generation as a backup or for added peak capacity during high demand times, because it’s so much more expensive. So you might have a 100MW Natural Gas Plant that also has a 5MW Oil burning generator, for instance, and it will only use that Oil generator when it’s already

His ego can’t accept that anything he’s involved in isn’t the biggest and most massive (whatever) in history.

Again, please feel free to try it in court. I certainly won’t complain if you get it overturned - but don’t expect me to bet on you succeeding.

To clarify, possession of one isn’t illegal - but operation of a vehicle with one is. That’s how they get you for it. If it was unplugged an in the trunk, you’re fine - but on the dashboard and connected? No. And it’s not the operation of the detector, but the operation of the vehicle. Reference from a lawyer:

Good luck with taking that defense to court then. I’m not a lawyer, but I sure wouldn’t trust it.

They haven’t actually flown the aircraft in years due to budget constraints (last I heard at least), since it costs far more to operate than they make from speeding tickets. The law allowing enforcement via aircraft is still in the books though, and there are still signs beside the road warning about it.

They can still charge you for having one in your car (and they will).

This was my thought as well. Seriously how can someone this dumb have that much money and not get swindled out of it?

Yoda looking at Han frozen in Carbonite: “luckily for you, only mostly dead, your friend is.”

Small isn’t bad, as long as it has power. That’s what feels like the 86 is missing - 100hp or so more, and it would be perfect.

Yeah, that’s what worries me. This car has the potential to be right in my sweet spot, meaning that I’m certain to be disappointed. :)

I suspect some of it is covered by the camo. Even then, if they put in backup sensors, nevermind a camera, it’s far less of a problem.

Sensors, and especially a backup camera, make a huge difference. Having had one on my daily driver, I can’t imagine going back, at least not for a daily car.

I wouldn’t discount the South Korean military. They’re some scary badass SOBs, and they have good hardware too. That said, if I were South Korea, I’d want American backup too, because there’s no kill like overkill.

CoTD right here folks.

Not soon enough, that’s for sure.

They do, but at the same time, the presence of a large local talent base is pretty huge. It’s much easier to recruit local area talent than to convince someone to move someplace across the country.

Yeah, that’s crazy talk. Then you might be able to actually live there without earning seven figures.

It almost looks like there are four pedals in that one picture (as I show myself entirely unfamiliar with the WRX STI). Is the one on the far left, past the clutch, just a footrest?