
Thank you! I enjoyed this episode on its own merit. Yes I was holding my breath the entire episode, waiting for Jack's death, but I enjoyed every bit of the story. I love that we got more insight into Jack's internal workings and history. I even loved the poker scene, the subsequent butt kicking (like really Jack, you

My heart hurt by the end of this episode, so many things made me want to cry. Watching Jack and Kate made me want to cry, so glad Jack was a good father up until the end. The scene between Jack and William nearly had me bawling- they would have been great together. And I applauded Jack's directness with Heather.

I'm glad Iris isn't wearing the ring (broke the engagement? ). Barry's proposal was weak and seemed exactly like what it was, motivated by fear of the future. The writers really failed Barry and Iris' relationship this season, it was too rushed and without enough substance. And I say this as a person who was really

My heart can't take Joe's life being threatened, CW. It took me the rest of the episode to recover from that.
I feel like this season had so much potential and yet currently I'm enjoying the Flash fan-fiction more than the actual show.

I love everything Beth and Randall. Yes Randall, everything is better with a little Beth. I so want the show to give us the backstory to their relationship.

Come now Cisco, when you said you couldn't do this without HR, we know you meant Tom Cavanagh. And we agree.

Exactly, a little dumb moment.

Half way through this episode I was over it. Jesse/Wally and Caitlin/Julian make me go, "Ugh." And is it just me or is the show framing Barry's decisions to save certain people in terms of how it will affect Iris' future (this time with Harry, last time with HR)? That's how I'm reading it anyway, and it's a little

HE WENT TO HIS BROTHER!!! This show has never made me cry but the sight of Kevin running to his brother and holding him as he broke down caused the tears to flow. That's one of, if not the, top moments of the show for me.

I still hate Miguel. He's not on Jack's level.
THANK YOU Rebecca for not being manipulated by the oldest line in the book. Her defense of Jack was perfection. But I have to say I hate that she really considers going on tour seemingly without considering the consequences. If she goes on this tour, when and how does

Yes, yes, and yes! I loved that moment!

I'm so glad this episode featured more of Joe. I watch every episode with a heavy heart because I fear for his life. The train scene was the worst, until Barry saved the day (in a completely awesome way!). Yes, I can bear Iris dying, but Joe dying will break my heart.
Ugh I hope they don't romanticize Caitlin and

I'm glad Julian is a practical addition to the team. I loved that he basically told Barry that Cisco needed practical help, not a pep talk. Pep talks aren't a cure all Barry!
Speaking of pep talks, Barry's talks with Iris fell a little flat for me. It didn't seem like he went beyond, "Iris you're important

Lol yes to all of this. I'm trying to savor every Joe moment, just in case he doesn't make it past this season, so I need every facet of Joe on display.

The funeral scene cut me to the heart when I realized that Jack didn't get to at least see his children enter adulthood. I had wondered what Jack thought of his kids adult lives- Randall and Beth, Kevin's acting, Kate following her brother across the country. I would have loved to see his perspective. And is it

You know Team Flash is slacking when no one calls Caitlin out on her "running errands". You've got a work errand Caitlin? No, your work is confined to STAR Labs! You've got a personal errand Caitlin? We all know you don't have a personal life! So where are you going Caitlin? Cisco should have been suspicious.

My thought exactly

As soon as I heard, "Detective West honored at City Hall", I wanted to cry. Please don't kill Joe. I just love him so much.

Can we change that to Cisco and any Wells, greatest character pairing?

I think Kevin feels more chemistry with Olivia but knows that she's not a good choice for him. With Sloane, Kevin doesn't feel that chemistry but he appreciates her good qualities and knows that objectively she's a better choice in terms of how she'll treat him. Little moments in the episode, like when Sloane was