
Also, it seems like eventually Barry will be the fastest man alive, after all he'll be fast enough to be a threat to Savitar. When do we meet that Barry?

I unapologetically like Toby. Do I like him and Kate together? The jury is still out on that.

*Was I the only one swimming in a sea of melancholy after the Cisco/Dante scene? My heart hurt anew for Cisco. Carlos Valdes killed that scene.
*I feel like the writers have become lazy in regard to Westallen. At this point, the progress in their romance doesn't feel earned. It feels like it's riding the coat tails

It was Eddie

Random Thoughts:
*Just to be clear, who are the Dominators after? Who is the leader that was mentioned? Barry?
*Are we 100% sure that future Barry was talking about this war, this moment in time? And, since I don't watch LoT, has Rip up to now done nothing with the info provided in the message?
*My heart is

I agree that Rebecca could have told Randall later on in life. But of course she would have had to lie even more to do that, so I guess she just went with the easier option for herself.

I like this show a lot. I watch it mainly for Randall/Beth and Jack. Sterling and Milo were so on point in this episode. They really bring their characters to life.
Much like Randall, I was all set to view Rebecca completely as a villain but this episode actually moved me to have some sympathy for her. After all she

So disappointed that Julian is Alchemy. I'm not even interested in his full story reveal.
So can Caitlin never use her powers again? Or does she just have to be in a less anxious, more controlled frame of mind in order to keep KF in check? I wonder if that will be experimented with as the season continues.

Yes! Watching that scene I was thinking, "Why is she there? And she seems off… something is up…" Lo and behold it was a lie. Smh Joe.

I like HR. I especially liked his, "I agree with Joe"/"I agree with Iris", moments. Also, there's just a natural chemistry between Valdes and Cavanagh that never fails. It's highly entertaining.

My favorite thing about this show is Randall and Beth's marriage. They are so loving, understanding, and respectful of each other. I love watching them and I'm disappointed that their dynamic doesn't get highlighted much in conversations about the show.
I've never gotten teary eyed watching this show but I did feel

Well that's pretty much the concern Cisco had last season and Caitlin and Barry basically told him that wouldn't happen because he could choose to not be evil and he had chosen that course. Unless she's struggling internally with evil thoughts…

I love whenever Wentworth Miller guest stars. Everything about his Captain Cold delights my soul and I think the character is at his best when he's home on The Flash.
Why is Caitlin hiding her powers? After all the encouragement the team gave to Cisco, what is she afraid of?
I love the idea of Barry and Iris together

I'm excited about Cold's return next week! I love his chemistry with Barry

Random Thoughts:
I don't think the issue for Barry and Iris was ignoring Flash stuff, despite what was said. I just didn't buy it that everything was resolved for them with that explanation. I think there's more to be explored there and I hope it will be.
I don't think Julian is Dr Alchemy. I think he was the guy

Does anyone think the guy lurking in the shadows during Barry's first meet up with Clariss was Julian?

How was Joe to know she was sincere? I think the scene at the bar was part of the turning point for Joe because it showed that Francine was sincere about wanting to reconnect with Iris and not pulling a fly by night number (which was probably an underlying fear of Joe's). I mean, yes I believe Joe could have handled

Well it's not like Joe kept Francine from seeing Iris, SHE walked away for 20 years, she may as well have been dead. Joe didn't even know where she was. I would be angry with Joe if Francine had reached out at any point before and he blocked her. And even though he attempted to block her this time I can understand the

When Eobard told Eddie he doesn't get the girl I thought, "But he gets a girl obviously, so what's the point of this conversation?" I was just waiting for Eddie to say that, oh well. I really hope Eddie's storyline doesn't become "You stole the only woman I ever loved Flash! And you've stolen my thunder by beating me

From how far in the future is Eobard Thawne, does anyone know? He references people being dead for centuries and yet we know that he and Barry fought in the not too distant future. Is he from a time far ahead of Barry?