
Thank you! Those were my exact thoughts. Iris' journalistic integrity would be shot if she stopped pursuing the story out of fear of potential danger to herself. And it's not like her writing about the Flash puts Barry in any more danger than normal, so what's the problem? I understand Barry and Joe's concern but the

I didn't think it was that weird for Bay to tell Tank her secret instead of someone closer to her. Sometimes it's easier to tell someone who is emotionally removed from you something that weighs on your mind than it is to tell someone close to you, that is until you're ready to deal with the reality of the issue. I

I love Bemmett, I always have. When Emmett cheated I was really hurt for Bay but still a part of me wanted them to eventually, if done in the right way, get back together. This was not the right way. Bay cheating on Tank and Emmett not respecting the relationship she is currently in is not the right way for Bemmett to