
Well obviously it was… someone

Is a prison truly a prison if there is no prisoner? The Speed Force prison exists, therefore it needs a prisoner.- Speed Force logic

I honestly believe that Time Remnant Barry's journey was meant to give us insight into Caitlin's psyche. Savitar cut himself off from those he loved so that he could no longer feel emotional pain. He wanted to be above love because love=vulnerability =pain. Likewise Caitlin, due to PTSD is my best guess(and she's

Oh. I hadn't thought of that. If so…. let's just hope it's not completely lousy.

That's what I was thinking. I thought, based on Cold's and Iris' advice, that if Barry doesn't give in to the darkness that he surely feels now that Iris is dead and doesn't create time remnants to try to beat Savitar surely that would break the loop… But who knows, the rules of time and cause/ effect are unstable on

This is hands down my favorite episode of the season. This episode gave me the Westallen we should have been privy to all along. It's so sad that their relationship beats have been rushed through this season. Anyway, I think this episode parallels the Caitlin/Killer Frost dynamic to the TimeRemnantBarry/Savitar

That was hilarious!!! One of my favorite moments.

As someone who watches the episodes with CC on, I can tell you that in previous episodes Savitar said, "I am the future, Flash", and in this episode that comma disappeared when he repeated the statement. The CC people were in cahoots with the screenwriters to misdirect viewers.

lol when Caitlin was doing the ice ramp I was thinking, "Why are villains always superior with their powers, and so quickly too? Or, maybe she's just been using her time wisely and practicing since she is no longer distracted by having to save people."

Well Reverb called the shots in Earth-2 so it made perfect sense. KF is still a threat to Cisco though because she could manipulate his feelings, thereby putting him in a weaker position than her.

Okay I thought I was the only one who thought that.

The episode or the review?

I hope they thwart Savitar's plan to kill Iris but don't trap him in the Speed Force. This character and story line needs more room to breathe for this reveal, this late in the season, to have been worth it. Evil Future Barry should have some bearing on at least the first half of Season 4. Otherwise it's like Zoom all

What if we don't find out who Savitar is? What if his reveals to Caitlin and Barry are actually tricks designed to manipulate them like what he did with Cisco and Wally, and Barry only realizes this later? That might be a plausible explanation for why Future Barry doesn't know Savitar's identity.

So many questions: Since we saw a 2024 Joe does this mean he'll be alive at the season's end?! I need Joe in my life. When Barry runs to the past we see flashes of the future/easter eggs, so why don't we get a show when he runs to the future? Why is everything Flash related in 2024 wrecked? The loft and S.T.A.R. Labs…

The height difference was mildly annoying


A-, really? Was the episode fun and did it have sweet moments? Yes. I especially loved Cisco in the dream world and Barry's song to Iris (THAT'S how you propose Barry). But those moments don't make it an A episode. The episode didn't even touch on the future Music Meister headline…is this character making a return

I would actually like that too

You're meant to feel bad for not feeling bad? I missed that memo lol