Don't mind me

I’m a Google Play Music subscriber (got in back when it was $8/month). When they announced Youtube Red, my first thought was, “Meh, who cares? I don’t use Youtube that much, and the ads aren’t that long.”

I have been waiting for this since it was announced! I was super happy to see this article, but when I went to the blog post it seems like it is still a few days out. I can’t seem to go ahead and sign up right now. Ughh...

I had never heard this for humans but rather for dogs. Is it still an old wives tale for them as well?

So, we shouldn’t believe NASA when they say that the Antarctic Ice Sheet is gaining ice volume?…

Or how about the National Sea Ice organization where it said we are very close to the record ever Ice Coverage in Antarctica from last year?

Powertool, car and gun safety knowledge should be a requirement in school.

Great article Wes, everyone should know this stuff. I daresay it should be taught in school even.

The photo was taken using a drone flown by the rover. Geez people. !¡

Really, you guys are that blind to not catch that it was a joke? !

Yes, a sarcasm font is what we need. Not for people to exercise even a modicum of critical thinking and learn to recognize the signs of sarcasm. Yes, a font. That’s it. A font that people will look at and instantaneously know to clap their hands and laugh, rather than throw that tire across their enclosure in anger. A

Dude, he’s polled his 3 friends so that’s an accurate cross sample okay?

They say “look at Curiosity, now look at it’s shadow. Notice anything?”

I read somewhere that the upside down exclamation mark, should be used as a sarcasm indicator.

Did you not look at the picture first and wonder what kind of selfie-stick it was holding that wasn’t in the picture, before reading the article?

It’s VW clean diesel.

yeah hopefully, need sarcasm font

My take was the post was sarcastic.

Did you not get the memo on how jokes work?

You’re either being sarcastic, or you didn’t read the whole article.

wouldnt be a selfie then................................................ still aliens

Yes.. the shadow.. that’s the odd part.. and not that the camera isn’t being held by the rover itself