Don't mind me

$239 if you don’t feel like “checking out”. Also supports Freesync if you have an AMD card

$239 if you don’t feel like “checking out”. Also supports Freesync if you have an AMD card

A prong collar, or pinch collar, shouldn’t hurt the dog at all. I know the spikes look painful, but if you don’t believe me, try it on your arm. The pressure is distributed across multiple points and so it shouldn’t cause any pain. Prong collars were perfect for my Rottweiler for several reasons— they don’t infinitely

Correct. Well, both Duckie and Trakt are “authoritative” and sync both ways. Trakt -> Duckie sync requires a click of a button, but that’s it.

Been using DuckieTV for a while and have quite a workflow going to completely automate TV tracking.

Your choices for Saturday night, when NASCAR is primetime, are pretty much limited to Wheel of Fortune reruns and.. you know.. pretty much anything else not watching TV. Sunday is no excuse. You already know viewership is usually pretty high on Sundays (see: football), so why not 1) STICK TO BASIC CHANNELS 2) Stick to


Currently running Carbonite and I’m curious how it stacks up against these two. I’ve had some issues that make me consider switching.

The video says no.

I’m exactly the same. I get tired at the same time each night and wake up on my own each morning. Perhaps my body is used to the pattern. I enjoy the occasional nap, but 8 hours makes me feel incredibly groggy and unproductive the next day.

See a doctor if search results stay up for more than 4 hours

Verizon hasn’t offered any new unlimited plans to customers since 2011, but there are still a few people who are desperately clinging to the old ways. This generally involves buying phones off contract. Because these customers are not on a contract, however, Verizon has the right to raise rates at its discretion. For

These people are already off-contract and pay month-to-month, so, no, they wouldn’t have to pay an ETF.

Is this what the PC bros call blacksplaining?

So.. I’m not a huge import buff, but from what I remember from all my childhood friends who tucked in their copy of Fast and the Furious (1, obviously) at night, Japan self-imposed 280 metric horsepower or some Japanese variant, which clocks in at 276 SAE(?) horsepower, so not exactly the 300/tax filing example you

I won’t get too specific, but if it wasn’t for a shield for the first two months of feeding, my son would have been formula fed. We had to supplement at birth because of low blood sugar (GD) and latching was a huge issue. Our doula recommended a shield at the time and the hospital provide a syringe/tube that ran

Nipple shields. If you’re having trouble with the baby latching or just frustrations in general, try using a nipple shield.

That FOV slider..

I think its remarkable that Wilson hit the brakes car was slowed enough to where he didn’t have a second major impact— with another car or harder into the inside wall. Best wishes!

I’m more than a little sad that we try to look for loopholes so that our kids/grandkids can maximize the amount of taxpayer/federal assistance they get—meanwhile, we have funds to cover part or all of it.