Don't mind me

Just curious.. you say its “ALL ABOUT DIET” but are stalled out on your weight loss.. Have you tried adding some cardio to supplement the dieting? I find that my best, most sustainable results come from focusing on about 25% exercise and 75% diet (portion control, substitutions)

Try an 1830s neighborhood where everyone flies the Don’t Tread On Me flag. You have guys with 1000 HP drag cars firing up every Saturday morning at 9am, kids on 4-wheelers at midnight.. and don’t get me started on the snowmobiles during the winter, the columns of billowing bonfire smoke, or illegal fireworks set off

I played last night after getting the patch. While better, it still hasn’t 100% resolved the frame drop issue. I’d say its probably 75% back to pre-1.28. Either that or I never noticed it before 1.28. Now if only they’d fix the crash bugs associated with 980/ti cards

Tuscon in August. Sounds perfect -_-

I’m glad that they addressed the character slot issue. Props to them for compromising a little bit.

The objection I still have, as many others have mentioned, is the devaluing of the core game. This is played out in their release by them saying that HoT is the same thing as EotN— which is true in that it is an

Alternatively, wire up a new outlet to sit behind the artwork as well

Maybe a tie-in or gameplay of Advent Children? That movie was actually what got me to play VII..

Plenty of exceptions taken at the title, but I think the hero of the story is the second car that nosedived onto the shoulder

Someone should tell her that her blog is a spam-haven now.. and she bears an increasingly stronger resemblance to Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Like my former boss used to say..

I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas

Or until your kid no longer fits in a rear facing seat

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out for my kid.. he’s 7 months and almost 25 lbs already. I’m 6’8 and he’s quickly catching up. I was 5’2 when I turned 7 years old.

If I recall, his pants were about around his ankles by the time he was done with that bit..

Halo Sleepsack

How about a big ol' slab of strawberry on a BLT or burger?

Too legit to be a prank, right?

I turned a Grand Prix dashboard into a computer case/desk.. Eventually ran some dryer hose to the vents and had PC fans blowing air out them. Center stack is 2 DVD drives, media drive bay, and fan controller.

I can agree with that. Tybalt was few characters in the main storyline I actually liked. I wish Trahearne would be mulched or set on fire..

To think that just some dude or small group of people make a game look this great.. just because. Why doesn't Rockstar pick these people up to just do incremental design updates over the next few years.. constantly refreshing the game and drumming up sales each time they do it?