Don't mind me

GW2 doesn't have the heart and soul that GW1 had. I remember being physically sick seeing post-sear Ascalon. LA gets nuked in GW2 and .. eh.. oh well. A tendril/plant enemy doesn't really inspire.. Having the 1-on-1 cutscenes and walls of text from hundreds of NPCs does not help with immersion. Maybe I'm just older

"when its done" has been the motto for GW for almost a decade. They pushed initially for 6 or 9 mo dev cycles for expansions (Factions and Nightfall) and then announced GW2 and let it sit there. More than anything, I want guild halls (my fairly-large guild has almost 0 interaction with each other), I want decent

Right at the 2:00 mark, I think she anticipates that she's about to be cut off.. Great foresight and tremendous skill at play here

I have flown United once.. and it was a doozy. 3 legs from Rochester NY to Honolulu HI.. 3 legs back. Not once getting an inch more than the standard seat EXEPT for Honolulu => LAX where the gate actually asked another passenger if they wouldn't mind switching

For work, we use Airtran and they're stellar about giving me bulkhead or emergency seats. Personally, I use Southwest and get early boarding every time. Bulkhead seats are like a dream come true and worth not being stuck with knee problems for a few days after landing

I'm 6'7" and I've never had a flight attendant tell me I couldn't sit in an exit row if a seat is empty. The check in counter cares, the gate cares, but the flight crew doesn't. Once you're on the plane, they're going to try to make everyone comfortable because it helps them out in the long run.

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

I cut them very finely so that I'm boiling almost hash brown-sized pieces of potatoes (prevents lumps). When mashing, I usually pour some milk in as I'm doing so and it seems to make things fluffier and have a smoother taste. After mashing is when I mix in some sour cream and end up with the potato equivalent of

So we've turned from gaming "highlights".. to each episode being mostly footage of players experiencing bugs...

The anti-smoking PSA's in NY are super disturbing.. but having a drunk driving PSA during a sporting event... where the major sponsors are beverage companies.. you know that would never fly.

1) Don't forget to clamp, 2) make sure you aren't drilling into the surface of your workbench, and 3) make sure the jig actually matches the thickness of your door, so the holes aren't drilled at an angle

Or with an appropriate, non-default texture pack

And owning your house is cheaper than renting a house/apt in the long run too, but in the short term, most younger people can't afford a house. So really, it is like the car market— renting/leasing, financing/mortgage... And you're not taking into consideration that a interest on a 30yr/5% mortgage is almost exactly

To be fair, I don't think the argument here has been about interest rates.. Fundamentally its about minimizing depreciation

Great rebuttal.. but needs a #5. I'm in the market to replace my wife's 2004 Escape AWD with 180k miles because a) its requiring increasing amounts of garage time/$ and b) we have a newborn and I'm quickly turning into an over-protective dad. Buying even a 5-year-old car won't net me the same level of security and

Rebuilding a single cabinet to make it shorter to accommodate a taller fridge.. The savings vs buying new or asking a cabinet shop to do it paid for the deluxe

Singing the song of angry men

Do you hear the people sing?

Or tri-oval

Well just think.. now its self-melting and *can* be open year-round!