Don't mind me

It’s still really shitty not to include another character slot when a new class is released

‘Only the saddest degenerates would waste a Sunday morning this October watching a Bills-Jaguars game emanating from London’

At 1 hour 300 degrees your ground beef will be gross.

To the few who look at the comments before watching the video: Put this on mute. I don’t mean to tell you to turn the volume down. Turn the volume off. All the way off.

I had my headphones on and volume at a normal level. Ouch.

People don’t take medicine for things that don’t affect them. You obviously shouldn’t overuse medications, but saying that taking headache medicine doesn’t cure what’s causing a headache kind of misses the point. Many causes of minor headaches will go away in time, but the pain can still affect your ability to do your

I’m not certain how much you have worked with SharePoint but 2010 and 2013 both allow coauthoring - mulitiple editing or adding to a document at once. I’m not sure if 2007 allowed this so maybe this is the version you’ve had experience with. SharePoint has changed my work. It has shortened cycle times and reduced the

I can’t tell if you’re trolling, being serious or being super snarky.

100% agree. I’m not a teacher, but I am a tutor, and I have seen some pretty pathetic examples of teachers/schools that are considered to be “good”.

How your child is schooled is your job and your responsibility. If you think the test is a good thing for your child, go ahead. If you think the test isn’t good for your child, hold them back.

Former school employee here. I think there should be some form of standardized test. The problem is, we have made them the end-all-be-all to determine the success of an education system. A districts reputation and funds are tied to how the students do on the test, and this should not be. One cannot tell how good

Everything Apple announced that I think matters

At least he's wearing a lovely gold shirt.

I disagree, I found it pretty funny.

They announced, with no release date. "When it's done" is barely acceptable, considering it's been two years since the game's release and the piecemeal content thus far has been piddling at best. Completable within a day. I'm a fan of the game-play, but not of the content.

It's about damn time Guild Halls were

That said when I have sat in an exit row they come by and say are you willing and physically able to open the door. I think if someone moved to the seat they could just come over and ask them that rather than asking them to leave (it would take the same amount of time) but it is a rule. Also, as a few people have

As the other commenters have mentioned, this won't work if your walls aren't perfectly 90 degrees, perfectly plumb, and your floors perfectly level.

It felt like a movie trailer and the editing was very well done, but lord the voice acting was atrocious.

I could be crazy...but why wouldn't you remove the lid first? That just seems like a good way to introduce some metal to your paint.