Don't mind me

They're not killing it off, they're just integrating it with Hangouts. It's still just as alive as ever, if not more.

Depth of field, and realistic lighting/shadow mods also help fix the blockiness of MC.

Tom, this is a very well thought out article. I don't feel insulted like I did reading Tavarish's article.

I like how you guys are talking about having $20k and $40k and I'm just here like "Oh cool, I can afford gas today."

Wow, how blunt of her.

System administrator of WHAT?

Don't bring logic to a Gawker related site.

I, myself, am not a gun owner, but I do know one thing. Usually, as the amount of people carrying firearms goes up, the amount of violence goes down. With the exception of gang and drug warfare, most people won't end up shooting at each other, especially if they know the other person can shoot right back at them.

So, you saw it on Jalopnik's front page, saw that it was about war, click on it anyways and then commented on it once in the article.

It seems like there's a simple solution: don't allow html in burner posts. Only text. It seems like this would be super easy.

Does that make NYC the butthole of NYS?

Again, I really wish people would clarify New York City; New York is more than just NYC.

Simarillion trilogy? Never going to happen, to fit that into a trilogy, you'd have to have each film at over 6 hours.

It is such a gorgeous game. It is kind of like how SWToR was in that I can just sit in a zone and listen to the music and enjoy the game that way as well. I have only gotten to level 50 so far. I havent seen the "lack of end game raiding content" yet like other people say. I have seen the amount of professions and

Imma second you on Laguna Seca because I'd LOVE to see those cars hit the Corkscrew!

You've been reading Jalopnik's front page?? Fantastic! Then surely you've seen the hundreds, nay, thousands of other articles about all sorts of fun topics that we've written. You're free to click on any of those, and not this one.

Tell me more of the palestinian state the israelis wiped off the map? When was it founded? By whom? What was its official currency?


I'm in agreement with you there. I just try to avoid the outdoors this time of year.