nope. shape of slide and frame is all wrong for any Glock.
nope. shape of slide and frame is all wrong for any Glock.
oh, and he spent the whole time with his finger firmly on the trigger and not even so much as a "click." I think it's a prop gun; and assuming this is a case of some asscramp really being an asscramp, this guy better realize the thing still looks very real (especially from a distance) so he's setting himself up to…
If you don't know what you're doing, perhaps doing a "how to" video isn't the smartest of ideas?
"Yes!" to everything you just said. Some seriously unsafe practices in this video.
I have enormous respect for Adam and the Tested crew in most respects, but this video is irresponsible. It is clear that Will has not been trained in the use of these shop tools and the techniques he is using are very dangerous. Looks to me like Adam has a Unisaw cabinet saw, which means it is probably equipped with…
Yeah, that is how feminism started (and I'm all for that, equality is good), but today its transformed a lot and feminism is used by many to try to put men down/raise women above. I wasn't trying to say feminism in its original meaning/intentions is bad, so I should have used the word "sexist", my mistake.
Goldeneye Source.
Looks like it came straight out of a "How to Make a Rad Video Game" instructional tape from the mid-90's.
Just another moron still held back by nostalgia. No one cares that you dislike CSGO, and there is no reason for you to be on a CSGO article if you think that way.
Pretty sure real men just eat their steak by simply cutting it and putting it into their mouth. Effeminate men worry about how to delicately cut their meat. Funny, I seem to remember our cavemen ancestors just eating meat off the bones of their kill. They never worried about the direction of the grain.
Vote: Aviate
Indeed, watch out for your luggage!
But behind those men who built that car, there is a woman................pushing.
GTA: O console is dead! Long live the inevitable PC release and the more refined product it shall be!
I find it even more troubling how many churches preach the "God wants you to be rich and successful" message... I'm pretty sure that is the exact opposite of the truth. God's not anti-success but he's very pro "give to others, don't focus on money, what good does it do for a man to have everything but lose his soul."
The art style reminds me of Guild Wars 2 art. So beautiful.
Why are they private? Because at some point in time it was too wasteful and expensive to operate publicly, and the private operation could do the same thing cheaper for the public while also making a profit. That's a fact.
You did mean it literally stupid. It makes sense to pay taxes as locally as possible so you can a better connection to how your money is spent. The country was designed this way.
Also, Firefighters, police, teachers, health care, and the post office have all been shown to run better when they are in a fully voluntary "private" system instead of a forced "public" system.