The Neckbeard Slayer

Not politicians or political parties are are under no obligation to take a political stance.”

Reads like you had a stroke typing this one out, but news flash: people are under no obligation to work for racist assholes. 


That’s a deflection and not what I asked. Again...

“There’s also a hell of a lot more to BLM than equality for black people.”

Please do explain. Popcorn is still ready, but getting soggy with butter now.

Yes, we are all “coming for you” (by responding to internet comments of yours) and we’re “mindlessly dog piling” on you and... “turning a protest into a riot,” which is literally impossible on an internet comment section.

Better watch out!!!!!!1

The pearl clutching is actually hilarious.

Your tactic is to use strawman arguments (U MUST BEND LE KNEE TO BLM OR BE BURNT AT THE STAKE - said nobody).

And you do it really, really fucking badly.

“MUH SLIPPERY SLOPE” rears its gene-deficient head again.

I don’t know about him, but seeing you meekly wave the white flag is contributing to my day getting better, yes.

I’m sorry that your reading comprehension is just that fucking bad. Defective genes will do that, I suppose. Enjoy fucking your sister!

Pretty hefty download to only play for a weekend, unless you plan on keeping it anyway.

“Or did you forget how many protest people created/how many boycotts were done by predominantly white or conservative people when of color or part of the LGBT+ were added in media/products?”

Scream it from the rafters, dude. So fucking true. Anybody remember the teeth gnashing about the recent Battlefield games

The best distillation of people who screechvirtue signaling” I’ve seen. Bravo.


Open a history book. You’ll see that it is not the default position very quickly.

“There’s also a hell of a lot more to BLM than equality for black people.”

Let’s hear it. Popcorn is ready. 

Dude, he’s not dumb, he just has defective genes due to the incestual nature of his origin, OK? Logic is hard for him. It’s not his fault. Please go easy on him.

As I see it companies taking stances on BLM is sort of stupid and yes it is virtue signaling”

Their silence is also virtue signaling, you troglodyte.

Welcome to our slow descent into a fascist state where everyone must agree with the popular ideology (that black lives matter, systemic racism and police brutality are wrong) or be burned at stake.

Fixed that for you. And it’s not a slow descent, it’s extremely fast ascent.

Welcome to our slow descent into a fascist state where everyone must agree with the popular ideology (that black lives matter, systemic racism and police brutality are wrong) or be burned at stake.

Fixed that for you. And it’s not a slow descent, it’s extremely fast ascent.

Yeah, most racists don’t admit to it. No surprise there. They’re such cowards that they couldn’t even admit to voting for Donald Trump in polls lmao.

The history books have very clearly decided that, but thank you for playing.