The Neckbeard Slayer

You’re really, really bad at this. Swing and a miss.

How or why would your weak suicide in any way harm me?

Makes sense - that’s literally you, the guy habitually deciding to go to a group of websites where the content is decisively the opposite of your worldview, and you spend time - again, habitually, day after day - screeching into the void on the comments section. I mean shit, just take a quick look at your comment

What is “mean time”? Is it like a regularly scheduled part of the day? Is it also on weekends? When is “nice time”?

Ahh, I love the whole “that’s not what I said *moves goalposts, changes original comment completely* THAT’S what I actually meant because I am completely incapable of admitting that I don’t have the greatest grasp on the English language or how to convey my point” schtick.

Not really working out too well for you,

Damn dude you are drink on the Fox News.

“constant theatrics about All Things White”

Really? What are you going to bitch about next, the War on Christmas?

TIL eclipsing Donald by 3 million votes = “losing the rest of the country”

The only things conspiring to keep Democrats as a minority party are the Electoral College and gerrymandering, but sure, namedrop San Francisco or.. whatever it is you did there.

You lost all credibility (so you’re in the negatives now, to be clear) once you pulled out the T_D “orange man bad” shit.

Bookmarking this comment and page. See you after the election, where I’m sure you will be too cowardly to even admit defeat and your Kinja account will evaporate into the wind.

You know if you want a dick, balls and anus on your face you don’t have to go all the way to committing suicide, right? 

It’s awfully cute that Little Timmy thinks him talking in his own little baby talk is “talking to you guys like toddlers” - it’s just so adorable! It’s like seeing little kids play dress up, instead this time you’re just attempting to be a snarky internet commenter and failing miserably. Cute!

“And yes, my life has come to the point where I know the difference between the people who are a waste of effort. Sorry, I won’t dance to your tune.”

Really a funny statement when you’re literally 7 replies deep to me, the last of which you replied within two hours.




Can you please livestream your impending suicide?

I wish I could conjure up such straight burn-ward-level fire as “Go sit in the corner with your hurt fee fees, boy.” I guess trying to talk like a toddler is what passes for cutting insults these days.

You can’t dangle out “evidence” and then completely handwave it away because I supposedly won’t believe it. You never had any evidence and it was completely made up to try to make a point in an internet back and forth - this is what your life has come to, I guess.

Your mother needed an abortion. Incest is illegal.

“This is a strawman argument; that wasn’t the point I made, nor did I imply it.”

Your go-to insults are “limp dick” and “you’re fat” so we all know you’re just projecting. It’s OK, you know they make pills for both of those things, right?