The Neckbeard Slayer

Google what, how delusional random Kinja bitchboys are? I can see all of that right here.

Thanks for showing that white flag and confirming you completely made up the story.

You’re a confirmed bad player because good players can choose lines/plays that limit RNG’s impact or tilt it in their favor.

Just because I don’t believe it doesn’t mean I still wouldn’t if I was presented with compelling evidence. Not that “interviews with trolls who are TOTALLY TELLING THE TRUTH I SWEAR CAUSE THAT’S WHAT TROLLS DO RIGHT?” seems particularly convincing, but I’d at least read it.

Nice logic, dumbass. Except when you’ve been eating shit all your life, that is your normal.

Keep impotently screeching into the void, bitchboy.

Hey, it’s you, the usual internet dweeblord who still doesn’t know what a strawman is. Congrats on showing your ass.

You have terrible parents because they couldn’t even deign to teach you logic - let’s be real, they probably didn’t have any themselves. The cycle repeats.

Hey look, it’s that guy who STILL doesn’t get the connection that junk food is MUCH cheaper than organic or, hell, even just “healthy” food. A guy who STILL doesn’t get that people in poor areas often aren’t even taught what healthy eating is.

What happens when they do communicate with the parents and the parents respond that they literally have no money? Because this is a thing that happens. I’m on the same side of the issue as you but to act like the lack of a simple phone call to some parents is what’s causing this problem is, frankly, stupid.

I said that I’d like to see the interview series because I do not believe it. That is asking you to provide the source. You do not have one, as predicted, so thank you for waving your white flag.

It’s awfully rich though that you believe the “truth” of people who get off on spouting racist shit online. I’ve got a

Except it just comes off like a dweeb, say, attacking someone’s grammar instead of the actual point they made.


Anyone that seizes on the “clip/magazine” bullshit was never arguing in good faith anyway and can be safely disregarded.

Saw his comment and was scrolling, waiting for the weak, nasally “ACHKSHUALLY IT’S A MAGAZINE *pushes up glasses on nose*” to pipe in.

It’s you. You’re that guy.

It’s a reference from 2005.

I’d like to see this interview series because I do not believe it at all. Furthermore, I do not believe self-professed trolls to be telling the truth. It’s like when people were polled whether they would vote for Trump and they said no.. turns out in the majority of those cases they were lying and were just

I very much disagree that they could almost certainly give two shits about race. Did they tell you that themselves? Are you one of them? ‘Cause that’s bullshit. Now, are all of them little Mini Hitlers? No. The Venn diagram of actual racists and trolls who spout racism is approaching a single circle.

“You just have to ignore them and let them go find some other weak willed person to try to trigger.” 

inb4 the Republicucks coming in saying you’re shitting on him for something he can’t change, so much for the party of tolerance, etc etc.

Nice! Always wanted an RSX. I have an 08 Accord coupe that had bad paint from the previous owner, dipped it myself in satin black for $350 ish. All the wrap companies quoted me over a grand for a basic wrap in the DMV area, though I’m sure it’d look nicer. Used a turbine so mine isn’t all patchy like people who use

Also at this point you could also plastidip (with a turbine etc) the whole thing for 400 or less.