
If you don’t want to commit to an entire giant lasagna (for whatever reason), I find a basic loaf pan makes a perfect “two-person” lasagna (or really, one person with just a day or three of leftovers). Plenty of layers but only two noodles in width, every slice has at least two crispy edges. Its pretty great!

I was underwhelmned with the one that I tried a while back (Black Raspberry Vanilla Parfait if I remember correctly). I though there was way too much non-gelato stuff and the stuff was all waaay too sweet and overwhelmed the actual flavor of the gelato.
The Coffee Cookie crumble, Banana caramel crunch, Mint Fudge

“We care more about our brand than your safety”

Taco bell burritos reheat so well, as long as it doesn’t have lettuce or tomato in it, you can freeze them and reheat in a 350 oven for like 40-60 minutes flipping halfway through and they come out perfectly crispy and delicious and better than when they were fresh.

I should note, this absolutely happens of you’re overloading the ports on *EITHER* side.


So, is the Flamin’ Hot taco a better version of the old “Fiery” DLT?
That’s all I need out of it.

I thought the middle of the triplelupa where two two sauces mix was pretty great, and the chipotle sauce was good, but the cheese by itself underwhelmed. Maybe its because the one I had was hot and fairly crispy.

I had no idea Land O’ Lakes was a Farmer owned co-op, I just kind of assumed they were part of a dairy megacorp and avoided them. I’ll still take Tillamook products first because they’re a local (region) association, but that’s good to know that they’re a not-shitty alternative

Sure, but for this you’re melting it all down anyway so the texture isn’t as important as getting the flavor right which makes extra molasses in dark brown probably the way to do it. If this was an application where you needed the sugar’s texture you’d probably want to use something else.

From this article:

Just like your first choice in this draft?

You’re now double disqualified. Stop digging.

I’m sorry but NO, Ice Cream does NOT count as a “frozen food” is is a frozen desert which is a completely different product category, allowing it invalidates this entire draft. Allison is disqualified in my view on the basis of this pick alone, which is a shame because otherwise she would have had my vote, instead,

Not one mention of the fact that you can buy powdered buttermilk which is a pretty good substitute (flavor wise, it has some structural issues for baking) for the liquid kind and lasts basically forever?!

“restoring America”?!
We’re not on to “restoring America” yet, we’re still on “trying to keep america from suffocating to death without the ventilator it doesn’t have”.

(good) data is carefully measured and collected information based on a range of subject-dependent factors, including, but not limited to, controlled variables, meta-analysis, and randomization

I’d argue that it matters *more* for an already mediocre pizza like dominoes. I’ve found that crisping it up on a hot pizza stone for a few minutes then a quick blast with the broiler to brown the cheese a little improves their product an order of magnitude.

I’m going to miss this show, the characters, the actors, the world, - my favorite for what feels like forever - so much.

Mac & Cheese pro-tip: Mix in Curry powder and Garlic salt, it takes it to a whole nother level, you’ll never have to worry about leftovers because it’ll be gone.
This applies to your best recipe mac, boxed mac, or even those little microwavable cups.

Seriously, they’ve been saying theres a bacon shortage for years and using that excuse to jack up prices. This will hopefully bring about a needed correction and undo some of the price gouging.