
There was a little more editing than just a soundtrack swap, for example, in the original ad, the house’s Christmas lights are turned on, and in the edit, that part has been reversed so that they turn off - which helps the change of tone. But still, comparatively little effort to make it utterly terrifying.

As someone who just moved to San Diego for the foreseeable future - I look forward to never needing to even look at, or even think about, winter tiers again. Also, apparently, what is “winter”?

Not wanting to support an abuser’s career is hardly a “political reason” and if you think it is, fuck you.

I mean, the genocide thing kind of put me off thanksgiving a little. But also, you can only deal with your relatives’ low information political opinions for so many hours before you snap.

I don’t think this is even legally enforceable. The courts can unilaterally impose these decrees and use the US Marshall system to enforce them. The justice department’s consent is a courtesy and doesn’t need to be a legal requirement.

Johnny Depp is why I won’t seeing this movie.

Ban you from all Costco forever, truly a fate worse than death.

Actually, they *do* have a right to make you stop and hand over your receipt. It’s part of the terms you agree to with your Costco membership. Non-membership stores (like Target/Walmart/etc) don’t and you’re free to walk right past and ignore them, but that isn’t the case for stores where you’ve agreed to membership

Harvey was using a cell phone in his calls with Sabrina. Just saying.

Says you. Halloween is the one time of year I don’t get weird looks buying supplies for blood sacrifice rituals.

Maybe the strict repression of press freedom and freedom of speech?

Singapore? Bahrain? UAE? Fuck you.

Circus Peanuts are weird but Good & Plenty are great.

Candy corn is delicious fuck-you-very-much.

Like many people born in the late 80s and early 90s, Harry Potter was a huge part of my childhood growing up. I read every book as it came out (heck, I own 1st American editions of every one of them bought as they were released), I waited in line at midnight premiers to see the books brought to life on the big screen.

America is no longer capable of self-governance. Abolish ICE and send every one of the vile shitstains who was “just doing their job” to the fucking Hague.

A lot of the aroma compounds of weed are very similar to those in hops (or in several cases the same), and the alpha acids that bitter beer are actually terpenoids. Both plants are actually in the Cannabinaceae family, so, really, this makes a lot of sense. There should be a lot of flavor synergy.

The fact that this isn’t the casting is a crime against cinema.

The Democrats should expel Manchin. Both from the Senate caucus, and from the party.

He’s here until we impeach him. Which MUST happen as soon as humanly possible. Until then, the court is completely illegitimate (and their rulings are invalid).