
Because some other stupid bigot already has bought the job.

Sorry, just a small clarification there.

I wonder how long until racist, misogynist, “elected” “representatives” try to impeach her for some imaginary offense...

Kavanaugh is NOT CREDIBLE. He has committed perjury multiple times in these and previous hearings. He is utterly full of shit.

He. Will. Just. Lie. Their testimony is worthless. The Republiconjobs won’t hold him accountable and Blackout Brett has already shown he’s willing to perjure himself. The sworn affidavit from someone with security clearances on the line is the only truly trustworthy statement that’s come forward. (Although it’s pretty

They had that on display at PAX, it was freaking gorgeous.

God damn it Megan, you’ve gotta wait until after we’ve had breakfast. I don’t even have anything *to* throw up yet.

I mean, technically, they had every right to demand cash. Accepting checks is not compulsory in US law.

Oh god. I remember reading that. *Gags*

I don’t think I’d call someone loading up on vegetables a “glutton”. It’s basically one of the healthiest choices you can make. Double meat or extra sauces though. Yeah, I’d see it.

Which sucks, because the Quiznos sandwiches are actually pretty good.

In fact, I’m pretty sure its damn near identical to the Subway I’d have had 15 years ago. The problem is that the market has changed and that Subway, apart from adding the toasting machines way back when, has not.


Somehow, and I can hardly believe it, you’ve managed to make The Big Bang Theory worse. Good fucking job.

I don’t know why, but cats, like most animals, seem to love me. I was visiting friends’ apartment for the first time and was told: “we have a cat, but you probably won’t see her, she doesn’t like people much - especially not new people”. Literally 20 minutes later the cat had taken up residence next to me on the

It *does* include a topping. From the fine print: “Each “NEPB meal” consists of pasta, available sauces, *and a single topping serving* from the promotional NEPB menu.”

You seem to have misunderstood. It is a fact that it is a Republican goal to hold a Constitutional *convention*. Not ratify an amendment, *hold a convention*, which requires control of 2/3rds of State legislatures, and they’re close. Frighteningly so.

I hope the monster died suffering unimaginable agony.

On behalf of Union members, and organizers, everywhere: Fuck you Elon. Fuck you.

Look at Claire here, angling for a job as Serious Eats.
This is really great! I definitely need to make ribs now.

I’d be curious to try it with a little less curing salt, or maybe opening up the bag towards the end and adding it for just the last few hours so that it doesn’t work its way all the way through the meat.

Other than missing the tarnish highlights, it honestly doesn’t look too bad to me...

It wouldn’t unless the person in charge of hiring did something stupid like make a public statement that they had a formal policy of sex discrimination that could be introduced as evidence... but no one would be that stupid...

Oh, shit.