
VOX says that the Student Loan interest deduction is intact in the conference bill?

Considering how many Americans his policies are going to kill, it seems like he’s the right amount of afraid. The man is a goddamn terrorist.

That would certainly more accurately reflect his political ideology.

I hope people drown him... out with booing every time it speaks.

Were the people who wrote that part of the platform repeatedly bashed in the head as children? That has to be one of the most idiotic, logically inconsistent, piles of horseshit I’ve ever read.

Can’t wait to see how thoroughly (and justifiably) it gets vandalized. Hope someone draws a giant red asterisk in the middle of its forehead.

So, would *now* be a good time to talk about gun control? Still no? Well, then I have no sympathy here. Good riddance.

I suppose it could go either way, It would be really helpful if he hadn’t left out the key work between “the” and “isn’t”.

I think he means the opposite of what you inferred. It’s the patreon “donation” that isn’t divided up. So, it’s like paying money for a movie except unlike the movie where your sale is fractionalized, which patrion the sale goes directly to the “creator”. Could have been clearer though.

I’m more surprised that the page they link you to gives options for buying a modem outright. That seems more out of character for Comcast than the code-injection.

I’m 100% sure that Trump didn’t write that tweet (I’m about 95% sure that must be because he’s drugged up on antipsychotics drooling onto a carpet somewhere).
That said, the reference to write-ins has nothing to do with “voter fraud” it’s a reference to the fact that there were 22,000 write-ins and Jones won by about

Shocking that it was easy to sell people that work all the time (the target demographic) on the idea that there is a minimal effort alternative to the labor of cooking all the time without the expense of eating out all the time.

But no, there couldn’t be a demographic that believes in that concept, perish the thought


With all the federal money they took to build out infrastructure that they never did, we should be pushing to nationalize verizon, after all, we already paid for it. Fuck these traitors.

Worth it.

Her answer is New Orleans, in case you don’t want to watch the 3 minute video.

Ironically, she stumbled upon the best bedbug control method after all: just burn the place to the ground.

If you think “Jurassic Park is dumb” then you haven’t read the original book.