a cake

His Yelp (anyone's Yelp?) isn't that interesting.

i know this is really mean, but i thought that was king joffrey at first.

Awww. What a sweet baby girl. Liv Tyler is breathtaking and has such a sweet air about her. :) I hope when she’s old enough, daddy makes sure she gets her ninja training as well.

Wow very rude to Sporty, who legitimately has the best voice of any of them.

That would really take some doing - Thatcher was an even bigger asshole than Reagan.

As I understand it from my British friends, it’s more like the men walked away and left the mess for the women to make even worse. Like, slaughtering pigs with a hatchet and smearing the walls with blood and offal worse. These are both ultra-ultra-ultra conservatives who supported things like Section 28 under Thatcher

They did, but the problem with this one is that she is so conservative that she will make things actively harder for women, especially marginalized ones (which interestingly enough is also what Margret Thatcher did)

3. The victim has a police record!

I hate summer. You can’t layer and everyone is running around with their bodies on display. It’s disgusting and unnatural!

Between this post on ONTD about his gutted reaction to Brexit and finally watching 7 Days in Hell, I think I finally get him. He’s like 1000x hotter with curly hair, though.

Dorne. :/

I never ever found him fanciable until he had died and been brought back (spoiler alert, you guys) but now I find him double triple hot super dope fly bomb digs.

Ahhh, ok.

The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”

Him x 17m right now.

Stay on the easy bracket? And dishonor their Viking ancestors feasting and battling in the halls of Valhalla? This is peasant speech. In the hearts of every Englishman and Frenchman beats the ancient fear of longships spotted on the horizon, coming their way.

sweet! This is particularly gratifying for me, having been a die hard Iceland fan ever since I read your article on them last week!

A man’s story was betrayed by B&W, a man is up to better things in the books (though a man gets more screen time in the show, and gets to keep the pretty face).

Yeah if you want an in depth look at what all was in his collection just go here (not the most unbiased site). It’s basically a bunch of conservative