
Madonna is the show's new publicist.

Frankly, I thought Madonna was a try-hard long before anyone used the term "try-hard". The only difference is that not as many people are falling for her shtick these days.

armpit merkin?

I guess it'll be half-human anyways. Maybe.

I'll take her over any given Kardashian.


No, that's not really what she sued them over.

I'm happy for my husband that he doesn't really know anything about the Kardashians. He's heard the name, but he has no clue beyond that. I wish my mind were as unsullied.

And duckface.

That's the revised edition, the original mentions "chunks of beef liver".

But I don't want to be entertained! I just want to drift off into my Dramamine-induced semi-catatonic state. I guess those drinks would help though!

There is no fine enough of a merest hint of a mist of rain to avoid an rain-related backup on the 14th Street Bridge.

Kind of like a model for Margaret Keane, too.

I wonder what he thinks about Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You" (a song I lurve, btw)? It sounds so similar to "Knocking on Heaven's Door" that I had trouble listening to it when it first came out.

Fox viewers are looking for "news" that provides confirmation of their beliefs, reality be damned. Fox delivers.

He plays unhappy maybe a little too convincingly.

She is right. It's terrible. (also, feel better!)

I was really unhappy about the Bonham-Carter thing (and, ugh, did this affair occur during his awful Frankenstein adaptation?). Oh, but I loved him so in "Wallander" that I forgave him a little.

Yeah, I was never a fan, either, even at the height of her popularity. Everything about her was so contrived. She went a long way with mediocre talent through salesmanship. Actually, it would be more accurate to say the Kim Kardashian is the whatever-Madonna.