
I don’t believe I made that generalization. I was commenting on the fact that they were probably not very concerned for their families when they went on a website for the purposes of cheating. I am not sex negative. I’m have-affairs-without-talking-to-your-partner-thus-potentially-putting-them-in-danger negative.

“to reduce the risk of potentially catastrophic personal and professional consequences that could befall them and their families.”

Grown men ogle, cat call, and even follow my daughter around stores at times. She is twelve years old. This happens no matter what she is wearing. So I have a choice: Insist that she cover her body even more, when she already knows this happens no matter what she is wearing, or have discussions with her about how

Oh man, those poor parents. That poor girl. How can anyone do something like this?

Mine are shall and shan’t. Guess which one hangs back in my armpit when I lie down?

I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. My godson will only eat about three kinds of food, and he’s totally fine. All I know is that telling a twelve-year old when and what to eat when she already does a great job of figuring it out for herself is pretty counterproductive.

Double agreed. I think letting them make mistakes now, when they have some support, maaaaybe makes the stakes not quite as high. They see that making a mistake isn’t the end of the world, that they can grow and learn and recover from mistakes. And we have to believe in ourselves as parents, trusting that we have given

YES! My son is in his mid-twenties and my daughter is twelve. I’m a big proponent of parenting the child you have, and that child changes a LOT over time. You can’t do that whole, “Well, your sibling did THIS,” or “But when you were little, you liked THIS,” shit. They are human beings, and as such, deserve to have

My daughter is twelve too. I have a slightly different way of looking at her food choices, though. When she was little, I offered her tons of healthy choices and she went on to become a person who will eat almost anything (except mango and eggplant). I see it as my responsibility to keep good, healthy food in the

I don’t feel qualified to judge Madonna’s parenting style, but I will say that having a co-parent who is rigid and authoritarian rather than authoritative sucks. They push the kids away by acting like that, and then blame them for not being super into spending time with them. Parents like that also don’t make

Literally my first thought after reading the headline. “Into WHOM?? har har snort.” Second thought? “Is it too early for alcohol? It’s probably too early for alcohol.”

I was at H&M this weekend pretending to buy clothes only for my daughter, and every single thing on the racks was wrinkled or covered in lint or both. I know this isn’t the topic of your article, but I am still shaking my head over it. I think most people look at clothes on the rack and realize that’s the best they’re

I’m so sorry that happened to you. I wish I could have been there to help. I had one student who came to me for help, and I urged her to file a Title IX complaint. She almost did, but then she left school instead. It broke my heart and enraged me, because the rapist was in another one of my classes, and I could not to

In your experience, do police take action quickly and efficiently in rape complaints? We know how few rapists are ever prosecuted, so why do people keep asking this question? Besides, in addition to being a crime, rape is also a violation of student codes of conduct, and schools handle cases involving theft and other

I wonder if this cop would have said this if the 12-year old had been a boy?

It’s single mothers, isn’t it? Literally everything else is our fault.

Well all his life he got told he was an umbrella, so...

You know who else would like more time with their children? Single, working mothers. I bet helping us is right at the very tip-top of his to-do list.

You’d be surprised. My ex husband actually GOT INTO AN ARUGMENT with my daughter about her age. Like, he insisted that she was born in 2002. She was born in 2003 and she knows this because, well, she knows how old she is.