As a Sonics fan going back to 1973, I totally agree with you.
As a Sonics fan going back to 1973, I totally agree with you.
These were SL’s for 40 year old men. We had a ton of these being driven by Microsoft managers here in Seattle. They were great for what they were.
Actually Mazda was truly hitting its stride at that time. The Mk2 RX7 the 626 and the 323 were amazing cars.
FCA is bringing Eagle back!
Now you leave the Ritz Carlton off that list! My wife and I love that place.
I am going with some kind of vast dry lake bed, whose surface is made of a mixture of clay, sand and a variety of minerals including halite, burkeite and mirabilite. These minerals form a chemical soup in the form of a small brine pond underneath the dry lake. When conditions are right, bright pink halophilic archaea…
Have not. I need to check if it was done on a recall.
THIS! My wife and I bought a new 2011 Tig/SEL. We have put 100,000 on it and the thing drives like a champ. She fell pretty hard for the XC-90 this year, but I am going to have her drive this first!
It died of ennui. Please stop.
This has got to be a performance art project deconstruction of the slow and inexorable decline of white males in middle America. It would be impossibly sad to read this as straightforward automotive journalism. If Lars von Trier was an associate editor at Road and Track.
This whole series has been like being stuck in a very long, very slow, railroad crossing. It has been absolutely riveting, reading about a shit-box breaking down every couple of days.
You do realize that Everett, Seattle and Tacoma are the economic drivers of the entire state, and that a functioning infrastructure and port facilities are key to getting products and services out to the rest of the world. Seattle is one of the most vibrant economic centers in the world. My business is done mostly in…
And the first generation of their families to walk fully upright!
We don’t wave the flag much up here. Jingoistic, overt patriotism is considered distasteful up here. One of the many reasons I love living in Seattle.
As a 4th generation Seattle resident, I can tell you these two are not from Seattle.
Buy Raytheon stock. Again.
Oh heck. The Alfa ti may not happen. That wagon is sex and the inside looks fantastic. A far cry from my grandmother’s 1986 Park Avenue T-Type.