
It’s Got Giulia tail lights and an Alfa steering wheel.

You should seriously look into writing for Hallmark. Condolences division.

I would buy this, and get a set of Citroen XM badges and French diplomatic flags on the front quarter panels. People would have no idea what the fuck was going on.

Greatest film of all time.

There is no reason for three pedals. I had a auto Abarth, a 2009 GTI DSG and currently driving an Alfa 2.0 Sport Ti. I live in Seattle, and the friends that have standards all bitch about them. I am so sick of people on this site making the judgement that you don’t belong here if you prefer paddle shifting to a 3

I know I’m getting it flamed for this, but one of the things about this particular subject that has always fascinated me is the fact that no one seems to have noticed how difficult it was to sell vehicles like this back in the 80s and 90s. Regardless of how good they were. When these hypercars first started to appear,

Close but no cigar! I consider millennial’s to be mostly on the spectrum in regards to basic social interaction. Most of my cultural references, when speaking to them, get the RCA dog look in return. Mostly they make me nervous, slightly embarrassed and annoyed. But I don’t complain about them because I think they

The single saddest thing I have ever seen. If you wanted to find a way to make an Infinity depreciate quicker...

Stop taking your Lipitor and metformin, and go drop dead of excruciatingly painful neuropathy. I’m tired having to stand behind you guys flirting with baristas at Starbucks. You know they’re paid to smile and chat with you, right? She doesn’t know who Steely Dan is and doesn’t give a fuck about that Joe Walsh concert

Are you the first generation of your family to walk fully upright? All of the shit you are blathering on about is boomer sourced. All the cunts you are talking about get their cash and marching orders from boomers. You need to strap-on a feed bag full of dicks.

Yep. Ass-raped by the cast of Baa Baa Black Sheep. 

You’re right about that. But I will be able to take even more advantage of medical science. When you have long since taken yer dirt nap, my consciousness will have been downloaded into a 6'1" cybernetic reproduction of Mario Lopez.

Yeah, you got me. Everything I said after that has been completely rendered to a fine, pathetic pulp by you pointing out my mistake. I’m going to put a crossbow bolt through my computer, watch my Blu-ray box set of One Tree Hill and cry in my pillow.

Boomers right now are mainly worried with the facility they’re going to end up in, and how big the bedsores are going to be.

Still Gen X, so it’s your counterpoint that you need to shove up your ass.

His screen name says it all.

The absolute best thing about the C8 is that it definitively tells boomers to wrap it the hell up, and exit stage left. Your time is over, and we don’t care if you don’t buy this car. I am 51 years old, and I just purchased and Alfa Romeo Giulia Sport TI, and when my lease is up on that car, I will seriously consider

Here’s how I would like to see a sequel to Top Gun. Maverick takes the engineer’s chair on the 727 for American Airlines in early 90s, he and his wife move to suburban Dallas where he acquires a swimming pool and a sizable drinking habit. Makes the left seat just in time for 9/11 to happen. Gets furloughed for a year,

This car is going to flop hard. 18-24 months from now, they will be DEEPLY discounted. Cosplay Supra is a bad Supra.