I like your style.
I like your style.
My business partners father was a high-ranking drone for Chevron, something like that would have to be approved pretty high up. I was dining on Chevrons dime at the Y.O. Steakhouse in Dallas, with my friends dad and a couple of his geo-tech friends, when I asked them about BRIMOB, and they all stopped chewing their…
That’s great. But let’s ask Chevron about payments to paramilitary security forces all over the world. Payments to murderers like BRIMOB in Indonesia, paid to “quell” protesters. Chevron has always been a special kind of evil. I look at outreach like this as pernicious public relations of the Edward Bernays school. I…
A soccer mom turned divorced paralegal I dated in the early aughts had a dangerous obsession. Not with me, but with a 1995 Range Rover LWB. She could not give that thing up, it was like a bad Lifetime TV movie. No matter how many times that pile of garbage abused her, she would always take it back. I was driving a…
great job!
I loved Kozmo! Got a filet-o-fish and a pack of Merit ultralights!
Infinity tried this bullshit on over-leveraged boomers back in the day. Didn’t go to well, still trying to recover from it.
It amazes me that after watching this kid, a shit-ton of Americans still don’t believe that we evolved from primates.
I am so tired of the “Hey Mr. Vagina, I got approval for the lease numbers you want, for the exact car you want! come on down and pick up your new car” I get down there and you get the “I made a little mistake on the math...”
If you get the right boomers in the room, restored or not, that thing goes over a million bucks. There’s a lot of over 60-year-olds out there that think anything that Steve McQueen touched will somehow regrow hair, add an extra Y chromosome, shrink prostates and give them the virility of drunken howler monkeys.
Love that RR puts quotes from Vichy scum in their PR kits.
The reason Buick is popular in mainland China is that they were driven by modern China’s founding father, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. This made them popular with the Kuomintang, Chang Kai-shek’s political party before and after he was pushed onto Formosa. Pu-Yi’s staff cars were also Buick 8’s. What really sealed the deal was…
They way shopping for a new car should be!
Why do members of the West Seattle Yoga Pants Mafia keep buying these things? Do they squirt some kind of extra Y-chromosome male hormone?
Stereolab is my Grateful Dead. Obsessed. This song changed my life in 1996.
Stuffed Crust pizza has been around since 1995?
Always is.