Considering the larger party alternatives, I will applaud anyone who votes for Stein
Considering the larger party alternatives, I will applaud anyone who votes for Stein
A spokesman for ESPN says they’ve been flooded with calls from white people overjoyed to see a black man rooting for them.
His effective tax rate is 13%, he makes over $250k, and he’s been outspoken that he doesn’t believe in charitable deductions (relevant here because that would lower his taxable income). So yes, there’s definitely something shady going on in his taxes.
It does make me additionally concerned about what his reaction will be when 0% of his legislative agenda makes it through his first term due to the Republicans' geographical advantages in the House.
JFC. Democrats are being handed this election to them on a silver fucking platter, and they want to set it on fire. Support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other, and whoever wins the nod, vote -D. It’s really not that fucking hard.
Sure, you need cables, but not the $50 HDMI cable that the store wants to sell you. A $4 Monoprice cable will work just fine.
Counterpoint: I felt the exact same way for most of my 20's. Dated the same girl all through high school and college, ended it right after graduation, and almost immediately started seriously dating someone else. Spent the next 3 years with her being completely happy but always wondering if I should have played the…
I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.
According to the Post, the Charlottesville PD did investigate and “determined that no one named Haven Monahan had ever attended U-Va.”(Haven Monahan is the name she made up to go with pictures of a former high school classmate of hers) and “Police ultimately determined that no gang rape occurred, and Rolling Stone…
While playing the newest Walking Dead video game miniseries, it’s pretty easy to convince yourself that lead…
I did mention that this calculator doesn’t take into account the services you’d have to pay for yourself if taxes decreased (or on the flip side wouldn’t have to pay for if taxes increased).
Question: if you’re nearsighted do you need to be wearing glasses in the Rift? I’m having difficulties wrapping my head around needing glasses for a screen that is an inch from my eye, even if there are tricksy lenses involved.
He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But…
I thought they stood up with her by keeping her the moderator of that debate he refused to participate in bc she was moderator. Am I wrong? Maybe they got rid of her to try and appease him? I’m too lazy to Google it.
Some people don’t care if others see their naked skin. If you are one of them, you shouldn’t care if the FBI puts a camera in every public bathroom.
Some people don’t care if others know their purchases. If you are one of them, you shouldn’t care if the FBI starts tracking everything you buy on Amazon.
Some poeple don’t…
“...and his history of racism.”
If you’re a libertarian, those aren’t really crackpot ideas so I rather doubt they overlooked it. At least be honest and just say libertarians are all crackpots, that’s at least consistant.
I really hate the square look most gaming headsets go for.