Saying the name makes me think of this.
Saying the name makes me think of this.
I mean, isn’t looking like a thumb the “in” thing now?
iF yA aIn’T cHeAtIn’ Ya AiN’t TrYiN!
Permanently barred and five years are two different things.
The brain rot is real.
At least they didn’t take the Subaru approach.
Yes Rico, Kaboom.
Just throw him into the fire and be done with it.
They’re going to have to start installing tasers in the seats.
They say Tide pods are tasty...
I suppose that can be his yearly event like Bush Sr. skydiving.
I didn’t realize he had a lot of MAGA fans. He’s not the Dixie Chicks ffs.
Soup’s on!
Taking a page out of Byron Allen’s playbook?
Gen 2 Volt was the closest GM ever got to designing something that looked like a Civic.
Or you could walk.