
No, just Pandora’s Mouth at this stage. The Box is phase II.

Whether Hill was already prepping for certain questions is a total nonissue. Stealing debate questions and sending them to a campaign is a gross abuse of trust and power. The idea that a presidential debate was tampered with and there is credible evidence of collusion is deeply disturbing. That’s not ridiculous.

Unfortunately, Brazile outright lied about passing on the questions, clearly saying she would NEVER do that. The statement she put out denying that she did what it turns out she did communicated that it would be wrong of her to do so.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

That’s why they lock it to something like your Steam Account... you could make more of those but it’d be too annoying to bother.

“Vote Hillary” is the only political position Weld holds that I agree with.

I love how this election became about white women getting ahead in the professional workplace instead of, you know, poverty/education/minimum wage/child care/health insurance — things that actually affect most American women.

My first reaction was...”The subsurface scattering setting on her render is pretty high; but it looks goo-...oh wow, she’s real.  Man.....I need to get away from keyshot for a bit.”

It’s absurd that people are equating “your childhood buddy who votes Republican” with “Supreme Court Justice who would re-segregate schools, overturn Roe v Wade, and would imprison LGBTQ people for the crime of existing”. There are differences in scale and power here, and that Ginsburg ignored them makes her suspect,

I won’t pearl-clutch like the folks below. Most of my closest friends agree with me politically on the major issues, and I’d have a hard time being close friends with someone who disagreed with me on the major stuff, unless their disagreement is purely theoretical.

Think same-sex marriage is wrong, but have no desire

Professionalism or not, being BFFs with Scalia is highly suspect.


Not embarrassing, but the best dare I ever accepted was to give an interview to a TV reporter and sneak at least three MOP references into my answers. I was working in public relations for a university at the time and the story was about a preschool/child care center on campus that was at risk of being shut down over

Sorry that happened to you. And the accident sounds kinda bad, too.

My best friend and I were in the parking lot of a church (we attended his great-uncle’s funeral) when he dared me to sneeze on his deceased’s face. My friend absolutely loathed his uncle, and for good reason. But he’d promised to briefly attend the service and not make a scene, so he wanted one last posthumous dig

I was a rebellious young thing who loathed being subjected to gender norms. So despite being forced to dress in garish overly feminine dresses and matching patent leather shoes, I would run amok with my (predominately male) friends causing all sorts of mayhem.

I made nothing but “Hamilton” references during a board meeting. For two hours, I was only allowed to speak lines from Hamilton.

Wow, they really captured how sort of sad and creepy that establishment was.

Honey? Have you seen my key to the Internet?... It's a card... It has a little gold thing thing on it. Someone wrote on it in Sharpie... I don't know why they wrote on it... Yes, that does seem like an odd thing to do. Please, honey, focus. Have you seen it? It's importa... No, I'm not being short with you....

But they were all of them deceived, for another card was made....