
Independent of Disney saying they’re canon, they’ve been included in the films too now. There were quite a few Rebels references in Rogue One...whereas Marvel’s references never seem to flow uphill.

Thank you. I’ve been looking at this for a day and I can’t help but see it as Chewbacca and the money-changers.

So what you’re saying is that you’re tired of

There’s an oddness to that sentence you wrote. It recognizes the illegitimacy of the result via hacking, but accepts the legitimacy of the number.

While it’s not, strictly speaking, in the Super Hero genre...have you ever looked into Steven Universe? Sure, it’s a kid show with magical transformations and the like...but beyond its phenomenally developed characters (you have to give it time to get past the goofy), nearly every single important victory is done not

Welcome to English 101. Here’s your “Yes it has ambiguities in it, but we do what we can.” card.

Oh sure, Sriracha isn’t super-spicy, but it’s a nice goes-with-anything sort of heat and is a better table-sauce than crap like tabasco. My initial impulse to post was less about the Sriracha scovilles and more on the you equating it and habaneros. It seemed like you hugely undersold the latter.

Wait...where are you getting your numbers? Sriracha sauce comes up at 1,000-1,250. And what habanero sauce are you talking about that is only around 8K Scovilles? The pepper itself is in the 100K-350K range. It’s not astronomical (and even just fresh off the plant it can be quite tasty), but it’s much higher than


There’s no joy in the suffering of innocents, but we can take joy in the suffering of these ignorant scumbags, right?

Capitalism doesn’t work when you pay any unskilled worker skilled worker less than a living wage.

The South did indeed attempt to secede, and it failed miserably.

*You’re* not getting it. They tried to leave, but failed. Had they won, they might have been able to make the case that they weren’t part of the US, but they lost so their claims are invalid.

Two things: First, they did retreat further into the sky at that point, only letting Louise back in. So there was definitely a reaction. And second, isn’t it fair to say they knew that it would happen before it did and knew that it couldn’t have happened any other way?

This is not a political disagreement, where honest people can disagree on the basis of principles. This is about telling a band of bigots and crooks, and that damned basket of deplorable that put them in charge, that we repudiate you. They’ve moved the national discourse away from any sort of real issues that we’d

He’s written some fantastic episodes, but he’s written a great many that were not. That in itself doesn’t disqualify him from being a top notch writer, but, especially after becoming show-runner, his quality has plummeted as he falls back on his worst story-telling tropes over and over again.

If we aren’t off fossil fuels much sooner than that, there may not be much of a “we” to get off them anyway.

Why prioritize when we’re getting both? It’s like asking “What would you rather have; a punctured kidney or a punctured spleen?” Good news! The bullet pierced both!

Who do you imagine will be doing the impeaching? We may have gained a seat or two in the house of representatives, but the Democratic party is still in the minority there. They can obstruct (if they find a spine), but they aren’t exactly in a place to push their own agenda.

If they’re unable to see why they voted wrong, and yes, objectively wrong this time...then not only ARE they stupid, they’re too stupid to know what “patronizing” means. If they’re unable to understand why supporting and voting for a racist, sexist, rapist earned them the title deplorable, then there is not a god damn