
Just think of them as being ahead of the curve...as far as the effects of our future of lead poisoning go.

If I’m falling, I’d much prefer to land on an empty concrete slab than into industrial meat grinder. Besides, we know she doesn’t have any plans on improving the safety net. She may say “give us time to make it better”, but her list of donors says “not until we’ve squeezed out every last dollar and drop of blood”.

Is it the “science people” or the “crap reporters” that you should be ignoring? If you dug down to the studies and viewed them in the context of a field of research, that’d be one thing. But since we’re talking here, I suspect you’re getting your science from a summary of a NYT piece done by a gawker content provider,

I’ve never seen them used interchangeably. Queue is for when you’re in a line; cue is for when you’ve forgotten one.

You seem to conflate the right-wing fever-swamp scandals and the left-wing position complaints. If the dialogue in the Democratic primaries focused around crazy-talk of Bengazi or Vince Foster or any of a hundred other things Fox makes up to keep their viewers tuned in, that’d be fair. However, you’re conflating that

Voting with the party is what got us to this point. The every time we’re let the fear of whoever the Republicans nominate scare us into lining up behind the DNC’s series of rightward-shifting candidates we let the opposition continue their descent into madness. While I’ve voted for each of the Democratic candidates in

So...engaging in vitriol of your own is, what? “Hair of the dog what bit ya’”?

Wow. It really looked like you were being reasonable and tactful until the end there. I guess the mask just slipped.

Ok. Let’s start this off polite. I’ve been raising a stink about disenfranchisement for nearly two decades. My ire isn’t something new or specific to this instance. And it wasn’t a complaint about it being a closed primary; it was a complaint that thousands were dropped from the roles, something you claim to be

The word isn’t “forget”. It’s “purged”.

Nah, can’t be. Liv from iZombie only changes her personality once a week.

Wait, we had Leslie Odom Jr. and Hillary Clinton on the stage and neither of them sang the words “smile more, talk less” at the other!? Missed opportunity doesn’t begin to cover it.

You can be a progressive and vote for Clinton...but she is not, and I don’t know why you would. You could say it’s because she stands a better chance in the general election (she doesn’t, according to pretty much every poll), or because she can get things done in a divided Washington (working with Republicans who have

I’ve always had an issue with the argument that “half a loaf is better than no loaf” (and don’t even get me started on that goddamn “devil you know” nonsense). While, literally speaking, yes, half a loaf is better than nothing at all, the metaphor is stretched to cover situations it shouldn’t.

Thanks, I picked that up by the end, but don’t spend enough time here to recognize the names of known trolls.

You appear to have not moved past that stage, given that you pulled that claim about the age of “the vast majority” of Sander’s supporters out of your ass.

Your words not mine. I’d argue with you, but I don’t think you’re in the mood for a more in depth discussion on how the media shapes the narrative. This isn’t a debate; this is an internet slap-fight.

White, I’ll admit to that. Rich? Certainly not. And there are consequences no matter who you vote for. I’m simply choosing that I won’t be contributing to the rightward slide of the country because I believe that while a republican presidency is a disaster for the country, I also believe that it’s a disaster to have