I can’t recall the source, but I read that statistically this was actually a 1 in 40,000 year storm based on how much rainfall there was.
I can’t recall the source, but I read that statistically this was actually a 1 in 40,000 year storm based on how much rainfall there was.
Initially they were forecasting up to 24 inches of rain. Sure there would have been street flooding and some low areas probably would have flooded, but most would drain off or areas would be high enough not to flood.
I helped demo a guys house after Harvey. It sat in 7-8ft of water for 4 days. In the garage was his retirement project that he just completed last year. A 1968 Camaro, it was great looking for sure. But after sitting completely submerged for so long the owner said he wanted nothing to do with it and couldn’t even look…
You can drive down a flooded street without creating a big wave. It’s about being respectful of other people’s property.
In my neighborhood homes were flooded to the front door. No water in the house until people were driving down the streets creating wakes. So now they have to tear out their floors.
What? His safety glasses are totally protecting his forehead
He sources the aluminum bodies from a company in Canada called Aqualu. They make numerous different Cruiser panels and bodies, including the hoods. So no he is not trying to recover the cost of aluminum dies. He doesn’t use their hoods because they aren’t a true copy and don’t exactly look right.
Will these aluminum electrified pickups still be susceptible to bear attacks and dropped tool boxes?
Ran when parked. AC just needs a recharge.
Coal can't melt railway lines. Wake up sheeple!
I want to hear about the new to you Scout that didn’t get away. We need details...
Yes, Land Cruiser=LX, Prado=GX