
We would have been BFF if you'd have just led with the flying gorilla lawnmower.

Took you four tries but you finally figured out how to internet, so this wasn't wasted time, in the end.

I'd rather talk about see-through defense mechanisms and the online fuckboys who use them to feign apathy. And since you are an expert in this arena, maybe it's time for you to enlighten me.

Oh, suddenly, now you don't care? Weird.

I mean, I'll explain this slowly because you're probably a drummer: software development companies (you call them apps) release free demos of their product for you to audition before you buy. You can download them, try them out and decide whether or not you want to purchase them for your studio.
I'll be honest, you've

Didn't buy it*. Didn't even use it. DL'd it to check it out for a client. Advised against it. I do this for a living. Thanks for chiming in though.

*this would have been a sweet insult but your lack of reading comprehension means that it missed its mark. good try though.

I'm guessing they're gonna get Kanye's balls to play Nico, because you're riding his dick so hard you should probably be on his payroll.

Wait, so now I'm not a clueless old vapor driven white fuck, but instead, an indie basement backpack rapper? You do realize those are opposite things, right? Like, total fucking opposites. Which is convenient, because if one is paying attention, a natural question arises: if you discard opinions that you perceive to

Jesus, did you just link me to a critic's list? Kill yourself.
Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just kill yourself now.

I kind of like facktarded. Awkward to say out loud, but in print? Pretty decent.

Stop it fuck-o. You wanna talk strawman? Give this white guy bullshit a rest. Let me sum it up for you: you like some average ass, basic fuckin' rap. The "people who agree with you" are "girls at a mall".
Rap music doesn't give me vapors. Average ass consumer rap gives me the yawns. You wanna talk Run the Jewels, or

Well, the argument is in relation to Kanye's comments about real artistry, so it seems like the process of how its made is not irrelevant. This is I guess what happens in a society where the ends now justify the means, but on a fundamental level, paying producers to write your shit is not the same as writing your own

Double replies tells me you're pretty hot about this, so before you respond, go ahead and cool the fuck out, guy.
I mean, I'm not that asshat who tried to pretend there wasn't an entire 20 yr industry trend of gear and apps and software out there aimed at turning dipshits into musicians. So, if you want to have a

Well there is a bunch of magic software that makes EDM and loop based music. Going back to workstations from the 90s, that's pretty much what the music gear industry has focussed on for the last 20 years, so now you have Ableton, soft synths, plenty of "rap boards", a host of sample packs- hell, I just DL'd a sample

Maybe they gave it to Beck because he actually plays some of the music on his album.

I'm going to respond to this 3 ways:
1) No, I'm not telling you anything about this woman, because I know nothing about her other than what she looks like in pictures, and I think making character judgments about someone based on their appearances is a pretty jackass'd thing to do. I wouldn't feel confident diagnosing

*wanking motion*

Well you wouldn't be the first basic motherfucker to assume incorrectly so what damage could you possibly do?

You almost had it but you stopped short. Yes there is such a thing as normal, just as there is such a thing as a mean or average. The point is not that there isn't a mainstream, but that what is mainstream is not necessarily best or good. For instance, it is still a mainstream practice to pay a woman less on average

Well, I don't have children, don't give a fuck about yours next door, and am covered in tattoos. She doesn't do it for me because body mods aren't my thing, but I know a lot of people who'd be into her, and I've been in plenty of places where I could run into her. What I wouldn't do is judge her character based on her