You can't be serious.
You can't be serious.
Nah, there's also the continuing saga of Kobe, once considered an heir apparent to MJ, regressing so far into mediocrity that even the most staunch FanBoi has to admit he's fallen off, not to mention the very real possibility and even odds that Kobe is going to actually murder Jeremy Lin during a game at some point.
No way any semi-sober person thought this team was gonna be one of the 8 best in the West.
Guessing that Rick Carlisle disagrees with you.
Agree. When your own hype man is selling you out, you have to assume the course you're treading is untenable.
How do you know that most cops are good? By what advanced metric are you deriving your absolute conclusions? Because I'm pretty sure most cops are just fallible people- neither good nor bad inherently, prone to mistakes, prone to break laws, prone to be in the wrong- just like the people in every other industry, and…
Boozer would have had no defense if Gottlieb had just attacked him instead.
It's weird how many people seem to agree, though each with different notable exceptions, almost as if a compilation soundtrack was designed to appeal to a broad base of television watchers while maintaining a feel for the show's characters, as opposed to just releasing for a critical musical audience. There's actually…
The Ineffectual. Soggy Bread dad. His graham cracker wife.
Bet he had a hard time breathing.
i had no idea there were this many joyless cunts watching dunk highlights. why do you even bother?
Oh, jesus just fuck off already.
You see in the still, how Josh Smith is jumping in the air at the rim in a half assed attempt to play defense while Westbrook crams the rock down his throat? That's the literal definition of posterizing someone with a dunk. If they made a poster of this moment, anyone who looked at said poster would say, "Fuck, Josh…
I clicked on your write up so I wouldn't have to click on the video. Echo the "god's work" sentiment.
I feel you, but I think you're underselling how impossible that little hop step to the left is 24 feet from the hoop. Also considering he had both time and opportunity to just get the two, I think defender is kind of in no man's land. Who can guard 25 feet of transition without conceding something? Maybe the 'Brow or…
Low angle replay shows just how sickeningly fast his release his. Insane.
Kath needs a fuckin' hug. Somebody hug Kath.