
I assumed one of them was Kobe. Can't be that unfair to him.

Actually I found you, but it's clear you're the kind of person who isn't gonna let some pesky technical details stand between you and your strong, hot takes. And man, are your takes strong, and super hot.

SweatyNutSack co-signing on some blatant fuckery, as usual.

you do understand the difference though between the audience willing to pay to watch the people you know do anything vs how many people will pay to watch a college football game right? Because my guess is one Saturday in Tuscaloosa generates more dollars for U of A than yr friends generate for their companies all

My favorite Gibby Haynes story is when a reporter asked him about his dad, and said, "You've said your dad was a clown right? Is that why you put a clown on the cover of Locust Abortion Technique?" And Gibby responded: "You asshole. Where did you hear that? I said I punched someone in the throat once for saying my dad

My Twitter empire expands. Knew this was gonna pay off eventually.

It drops next week. Make sure you bring your extra hand to ensure its safe delivery back to your domicile*.

*because albums are much bigger than phones, you see?

I think the effort just seems like a lot to you because you're measuring it with undersized hands.

Wait, are you trying to grasp and use logic, now? Dude, stop. Logic is waaaay bigger than your phone. Your tiny hands will never be able to hold onto this argument. Abort now, kid-paws.

That's the beauty of perspective, my friend. Because from my vantage point, the fun part is watching you get all worked up over nothing. Bet you can't resist calling me one more name before you return to your sad, two-fisted life.

Will do. Likewise, you should save your energy for that two handed burden of a phone that you can't figure out how to use properly.

I mean on one hand, you're crying about your wallet case, and on the other you are lecturing me on convenience, so which is it?
Furthermore, I don't know why it takes you an extra hand to hold the phone sideways- maybe you have tragically small, sippy-cup hands or something. I'm 5'10" and can hold my phone with one

or the user could just twist his or her fucking hand 90 degrees... but I agree... that would take, like, .002 extra seconds of thought so we should probably mandate that technology just does it for us in the future.

Ok, well neither Sam Bowie nor Greg Oden were drafted because of their athletic upside. Quite frankly, they were both drafted for their tried and true, classic big man presence and approach to the game, so not really apples to apples, and if anything, just helping to prove my point. Anthony Bennett is one year in, so

Yeah I don't understand your delineation, since everyone who is drafted is a kid, and every draft pick is based on projection. Assuming the talent pool is generally made up of young players who are not fully developed (neither as men nor as players), and assuming that a player's individual character issues and

Except that a player drafted lower has all of the same obstacles as the one drafted high... he just doesn't get the benefit of any up front money. Draft position does not determine a player's work ethic in the league once they get there. Yeah, a lower pick might work harder to earn that money, but he's theoretically

Tom catches a lot of shit here but he's kind of my favorite.

What the fuck has happened to this site?

OU polo is at ND. Touchdown Jesus and the Dome in pic.