
I mean, if the director is posting it on social media, I don’t know if you can really consider it a spoiler. It’s part of the movie’s promotion that is mean to get out. It’s like saying tag spoilers for the movie trailer.

I hope you get put in the time out corner for sharing that.

Dear people who complain about regulations:

Yeah, Charles is the opposite of objective by any measure, though he does seem to adopt a tone of prescriptive authority. I think I would be more forgiving if his articles were more descriptive than prescriptive. In other words: learn to use “I” statements Charles.

Let’s hug it out, dude.

The disadvantage of killing Hitler is that we still get a WW II, only one decade later and with nukes on both sides.

Yeah, feels like there’s a big chunk of info missing from this story... or are we all supposed to pretend that didn’t happen?

Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) from The Terminator (1984)

but at least we can all rest easy knowing that when the wild ride that is this show is finally over, it’ll end with a sense of definite finality and (hopefully) some sort of closure for its heroes.

Avengers: Return of the Son of Coul

The basis of your post is that this constitutes great art...it really doesn’t. It looks like something my little sister would have drawn when she was first getting into art at age 12.

I am the same way about Iron Fist on Netflix. Damn people, it’s just a TV show. Save some of that outrage for things like child abuse or genocide.

Every single thread about The Last Jedi is like a perfect antidepressant for me. It reminds me that no matter how much shit goes sideways in my life, no matter how much my depression or anxiety afflict me, I will never, NEVER be capable of the rage and hatred that the people who hate TLJ are consumed by.

Lucas’ original plan is a lie.

Thats funny because I totally agree but I don’t have the empathy for him like you do. To me it seems like he was a little “Shatner-esq” to invent a word nobody should use. It seemed like he still wanted Luke to be a hero if not THE hero. I’m sure I can’t fully understand his connection to the series or the character

I get the point you’re trying to make, but please don’t state them like they’re facts. Your opinion is your opinion. No more, no less.

I would say it’s cute that you think Iger and Kennedy are somehow worried about this so called “division” that you think exists. Are a number of Star Wars fans upset with TLJ’s story? Sure. But the idea that they’ve burned bridges and the franchise is suffering for it is narcissistic bloviating that you really only

Leave California alone!

I could not agree more. I got removed from a Jeep Renegade Facebook Group for hating on the “angry eyes”

Why are you being so mean?