
Want to make my interest wane? Fail to add in Cad Bane.

It don’t make a ruckus if it ain’t got that Zuckuss

My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.

Just another reason that the institution of marriage disgusts me. It’s no longer about a couple committing to being a team for life, and making this intention clear to their friends, family and community. It’s about the ring. And the dress. And the perfectly-choreographed ceremony. And the photos. And the careful

learn anything but Wonderwall.

I wouldn’t mind putting a moratorium on people learning the guitar or getting into photography for a while.

Well, 9/11 and the resultant wars, lies and incompetence changed me from a Rush Limbaugh dittohead to an Obama/Sanders voter, that’s for sure.

Y’all, that’s not even the craziest thing. Arpaio and his deputies cooked up an assassination plot to win him sympathy, framed a man, had him sent to prison only to be exonerated and win a big judgement.

Taking credit for shit is one of the things that pisses me off the most. He called the unemployment numbers bullshit the whole time Obama was in office and how that he is he says they are correct. There are’t enough words that will ever be written about how terrible, dishonest, and fraudulent he is.


I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

There are people on twitter claiming every picture of an Obama effigy with a noose around its neck is photoshopped. Even when one person pointed out they were stills taken from a local news story the response was, “That doesn’t mean it’s not fake.”

Yeah, I am not hear for this “But President Pence” bullshit. Pence is an evil that can be dealt with through normal political channels. Donald fucking Trump is a literal threat to democracy. There is no comparison, and I’m tired of eternal pesimissim.

Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?

Don’t use lean meat.

Don’t these apply to any relationship, romantic or otherwise?

The polls say that just under 40% of the country are dipshits that are about to get fucked over hard when the next inevitable economic crisis hits. But hey, they voted to get rid of all protections and safety nets because they think it will bring back coal jobs.

No way Republicans are 45% of the population.

we all know where this is headed...he meets with the pope, he repents in the eyes of the lord and gets another crack on TV or as the president of baylor university. no real consequences for a wealthy white guy with great connections

Whoa. Good on you for trying and sorry you had to go through that. Issa sucks, fuck that guy.