
Looks like those goggles are holding her face on.

How does this work —- if we don’t kill off some mutants, the tension level will never be satisfactorily high enough, but then we’re in X-Men 3 territory. I’m curious how they’re going to pull this off.

In the near future, comic con panels will consist of people asking actors what their character’s motivation are for sequels to movies that haven’t even been made yet.

Autobots plaige their battle to....wait, what? That can’t be right.

I really liked Kate Mulgrew. I thought she had insane hours and a very demanding schedule —- wouldn’t studying physics be really hard to do in addition to her family which she claims she was absentee often?

Keep in mind Captain America: Civil War is coming; which will impact the series. The teams are already divided so it wouldn’t surprise me if we have a Team Mac and a Team Coulson emerge, with Team Mac leading the Secret Warriors. Keeping this in mind, it would have been nice to see Ward grow as a character to incite

The lovely part, though, is how much Supergirl enjoys using her powers once she has them back.

In my opinion, these illustrations don’t convey confidence, strong willed, or have much presence. They are drawn as younger than what they are, making them seem like helpless little girls playing dress up —- which I think is the opposite of what the artist is going for.

I wonder how common this is for movies from the 1970s and 1980s. If there were a benchmark to gauge against movies of their time, not compare movies of today, where hopefully we’ve grown up a bit, I think it would be much more relevant.

The Doctor wakes up in the desert and the guy goes “Clara wanted me to look after you because you might be upset”. We assume the Doctor goes into the diner straightaway since the Doctor wakes in the desert. In the diner, Clara asks if he’s found his TARDIS. No, someone’s moved it from London. At what point did he go

I kept waiting for a callback to the first episode of the season: when the Doctor meets Clara and gives her the hug after she says “which one of us is dying?” It’s like the Doctor knows Clara is on borrowed time, except we know he doesn’t know. I reasoned that the whole season, confession dial and all, was set into

“The first rule in rule government spending: why build one, when you can build two for twice the price”

Kanan was indoctrinated by the Jedi and was a Padawan during Order 66. Luke gets training over a long weekend. Kenobi and Yoda are both in hiding. Ashoka seems to be the only Jedi left with training and something to offer; everyone else seems to merely embody the force, not master it like the Knights of the Old

The S. You got the S wrong. Yeah. The serif on the top right is different now. You’re thinking of the Christopher Reeve version. Yeah. No we’ll come back so you can get it right.

I’m here for the Doomsday auditions.